DATELINE .. HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL.......The Bear RUSSIA Is Flexing Its Muscles Testing Americas Resolve! Now, we have reduced our Army to before Pre WWII ... Destroying the Moral of our soldiers, giving a whats seemingly a Traitor his rank, back salary back, while his Conrads in arms, have testified before the world media, he walked off his post and when AWOL! ... We need Strong Leadership like that of Former President Reagan. When he put Libyan Mad Dog, Moammar Gadhafi in his place: 1986 We Have Done What We Had To Do What Reagan authorized became known as Operation El Dorado Canyon. After it was over, the president went on TV to address the nation: At 7 this evening Eastern time, air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against the headquarters, terrorist facilities and military assets that support Moammar Gadhafis subversive activities. From initial reports, our forces have succeeded in their mission. Military targets were hit in Tripoli and Benghazi. Libya reported that dozens were killed, including Gadhafis daughter. Today, we have done what we had to do, Reagan said. If necessary, we shall do it again. Domestically trying to disarm our fellow citizens. Big Brother spying. reading our e mails! Listening in on our Medias conversations! Using IRS like The Strong Arm of The Government, to harass our people and deny them their rights! All the while their leader loosing her computer records, getting a bonus and promotion,to protect herself and The President! All this spying on its own people, as though the are the biggest security threat, in America! AWOL! Topped by The VA Scandal, giving our men and women, the back of our hand, who served, and died to keep our nation FREE! Mr. President? AWOL!.. The Old Style Richard Daily Chicago Style Politics, being used in The White house! While we see an Invasion on our Southern Border. Mr. President? AWOL!.... Distracted by seeing the many thousands of children, knowing Americans are so passionate when it comes to children. While our border patrol are so pre occupied by this Invasion of Children, is a smoke screen for The Real Invasion of Evil Ones Who Hate America and All It Stands For, as they pour into our country, getting ready to cause Pain, Suffering,, Mayhem, Chaos and Destruction! WHERE IS OUR LEADERSHIP AWOL... FUNDRASING, VACATIONING, GOLFING, SHOOTING A GAME OF POOL, A GAME OF HOOP, WHILE AMERICA GOES TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET... REAL LEADERSHIP ..... Berlin Germany, Brandenburg Gate ... JUNE 12, 1987 President Reagan: Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:42:29 +0000

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