DAY 1(01/01/15). ***HAPPY NEW YEAR BRETHREN! WELCOME TO OUR - TopicsExpress


DAY 1(01/01/15). ***HAPPY NEW YEAR BRETHREN! WELCOME TO OUR YEAR OF OVERFLOW! TODAYS FOCUS: PURE WORSHIP. TEXT: > Exo. 34:14 (ESV)==> (for YOU SHALL WORSHIP NO OTHER god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God), > Deut.11:16 (NLT)==> “But BE CAREFUL. DONT let your heart be deceived so that you TURN AWAY FROM THE LORD and serve and worship other gods. > 2 Kgs.17:36 (NIV)==> But THE LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt WITH MIGHTY POWER AND OUTSTRETCHED ARM, IS THE ONE YOU MUST WORSHIP. TO HIM YOU SHALL BOW DOWN AND TO HIM OFFER SACRIFICES. > 1 Chr. 16:29 (NIV)==> ASCRIBE GLORY DUE HIS NAME; bring an offering and come before him. WORSHIP THE LORD IN THE SPLENDOUR OF HIS HOLINESS. > Ps. 95:6 (CEVD)==> BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP THE LORD our Creator! > Ps. 5:7 (NKJV)==> But AS FOR ME, I WILL COME INTO YOUR HOUSE in the multitude of Your mercy; In fear of You I WILL WORSHIP toward Your holy temple. *** WORSHIP IS: > reverent honor and homage paid to God > praise, respect, regard, reverence > bowing down in total surrender and submission > living every second in absolute reverence of HIM. > conceding all for HIS sake. > consecrating yourself to Christ wholly making HIM an unrivaled bridegroom. PRAYER ACTION: - PRAY IN THE SPIRIT FOR 30MINS JUST GIVING HIM ADORATION. > Jhn 4:23-24 (AMP)==> (23)A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. (24)God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). - WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRITUAL SONGS THAT ASCRIBES GLORY TO HIS NAME. - LOVE ON HIM, THANKING AND APPRECIATING HIM FOR BRINGING YOU INTO A BRAND NEW YEAR! AS MERE DUST WHO COULDNT HAVE KEPT YOURSELF ALIVE IN 2014; YET HAVE CROSSED OVER INTO 2015 ONLY BY HIS MERCY, W-O-R-S-H-I-P HIM!!!! > Ps.22:29 NIV)==> All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him – those who cannot keep themselves alive. Footnote: Search on You Tube for BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP HIM...... NB: - THIS FAST IS A WHITE FAST Hence NOT ALL forms of Food is permitted to break the Fast. Basically this implies ABSTINENCE FROM SALTED, SUGARY, PEPPERED, AND OILY FOODS. *** SUGGESTED MEAL i) Roasted Yam.(no oil, no butter, no stew/soups added) ii) Roasted Plaintain(no groundnuts, no red oil accompaniments) iii) Gari[Starch] and Roasted Titus[Mackerel Fish] ( no sugar or salt added to either) iv) Steamed Vegetable (no salt, no oil, no pepper) with Boiled Yam (no salt no sugar) v) Gari[Strach] (no sugar) with Coconut(not Coconut Candy). - During the defined hours of the Fast(6am - 6pm), their shall be abstinence from all forms of food[including the food allowed for the breaking of the fast] as well as drinks. You are also advised NOT TO rise early in the morning to eat before 6am as that is not the practice in Christian Fast. Let your denial and sacrifice be genuine. - Water can be taken when the body needs it to avoid dehydration. Note however that excessive intake of water at such a time as this, weakens physical strength. Whenever you feel stressed up (health wise) with the fast or you are unable to go ahead for justifiable reasons please discontinue the fast. - For further clarity or info please call or sms 07039343468.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:44:56 +0000

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