DAY 16 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE THE NEW EXERCISE OF THE WEEK IS THE SOFA SPLIT SQUAT A. REVERSE FLY IN LUNGE OR ROMANIAN DEADLIFT POSITION Level 1: Do it in a deep lunging position. If you have any kind of knee pain, do your reverse lunge from your hip, keeping you back leg straight and keep a straight line from your heel to you head. Level 2: Do it in the Romanian deadlift position. You can use either one elastic held in both hands or in just one hand, two books, or one book. If working one arm at a time, do 2 sets. 1. Root your foot and have your 5 toes on your stabilizing leg and your heel firmly planted on to the floor. 2. (Level 1) Bend your front knees as you move your leg back while leaning forward with your upper body to keep a straight line from your back heel to the back of your head. Keep your upper-back flat. Your leg should be straight behind you. It is ok to rotate your leg out if your hip flexors are too tight to let you lean all the way down. Keep your back heel up if your calves are too tight to have it on the floor. 2. (Level 2) Slowly hinge your hips back while leaning forward with a very flat back. (No rounding of the back is permitted!) The moving leg should be straight out behind you. Remember that the torso and the back leg have a seesaw relationship so the higher your back leg goes: be careful to never let your chest drop lower than your hips. Lean forward as much as you can while keeping your leg in a straight line with your torso. Rotate your leg out if needed. 3. Keep your core tight while doing the movement to help you keep your balance. 4. Holding the ends of an elastic anchored under your foot OR books, do a reverse fly. Open your straight arms wide like you are a flying bird and squeeze your shoulder blades together while rotating your arms and hands externally until your palms are facing in the same direction as your chest. DO NOT LET YOUR PALMS FACE DOWN TOWARDS YOUR HIPS. 5. Stand up tall, then return in your lean position whenever you feel you are losing your balance. Do the movement 5 times and then change legs. Aim to do 5 with each leg. Repeat with the other arm if holding the elastic ends or book in one hand. Video (Level 1): https://youtube/watch?v=uwmatrOd0B8 Video (Level 2): https://youtube/watch?v=yQSzFyYNqAc How many could you do before standing up? Which of the two levels could your balance allow you to do for the moment? B. CALVES No backpack and only 2 sets of 5 repetition: lets focus on the stretching today. Straight-leg and bent-leg heel drops on a step Straight-leg heel drop: 1. Stand on a step with the balls of your feet on the edge. Your heels should be hanging over the edge of the step. Hold onto something stable for balance. Keep both knees straight. 2. Keep one foot on the step, and lift your other foot off the step. Slowly lower yourself down on one foot. Your heel should move towards the floor, and the ball of your foot should remain in contact with the edge of the step. 3. Using both feet and your hand against the wall, lift yourself up until your heels are back at the level of the step Repeat the exercise on the other foot. Once you do the exercise with your knees straight on each leg, repeat the exercise with your knees slightly bent to use another muscle: the soleus Video: https://youtube/watch?v=NoLq3XiAheA C. GLUTES AND BALANCE Split Squat with elevated back foot 1. Stand right in front of a step or sofa and facing away from it. Do a forward lunge with your front knee right above your ankle (not in front) and place your back foot up on the chair or sofa. Tighten your core. 2. Straighten your front leg and stand tall keeping your core tight. Do not arch your lower back. 3. Push your hips down and bend your front knee to get into a split squat position. Do not go lower than 90 degrees at the front knee. 4. Slowly move back up until your front leg is straight 5. Repeat the movement 12 times Do 2 sets Tip: if your back knee is sore, keep your back leg straighter and make the movement smaller (only go as deep as your hip flexors allow you to go without arching your lower back) Video: https://youtube/watch?v=1Pik2RuIQZk Tips: Keep your core tight: remember, if you do not keep your core tight your back will take over. Do not lean forward as you bring the thigh back, stand tall and vertical to feel the stretch through the whole front of your thigh
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:26:03 +0000

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