DAY 47 PALM SPRINGS TRAINING SUB 5- RAN ON BEAT LEGS- GREAT SWIM- 8 DAYS TIL SHOW TIME!!! Well today was a great day! I ran in the turkey trot and did 3 miles at top speed and then another 3.5 miles at a recovery speed. I finished in the top 12 out of I would guess 200 people. I ran 7:27 minute pace. I am consistent is what is good and seem to be running under 8 minutes. I need to get this down so I can run under 7 minutes. It seems that i I run 13 miles or 3 miles it works out the same. The thing that was cool about today was that I was limping to the start line from my legs being so worked over from the past 6 days of training. Just being relentless and not letting up and I was able to run a decent race. Next I swam for 1.2 miles and did it in under 34 minutes. Stoked about this because my GARMIN clocked me at an average pace of 1:33 per hundred. Bottom line I feel I can keep that up for twice as long the full 2.4 miles and get a 1:08 IM swim. I am getting closer to breaking the 1 hour mark. The 5 plus swims a week is helping. in 8 days when I swim the hits palm springs race I only need to swim 1.2 miles and I feel that a 33 minute time will put me in contention for my sub 5 goal. I expect to get that down and I hope to swim under 30 on race day. Diet was good today. Lots of juices and smoothies. I dabbled a little and had a couple things not normally on the plan however had a great time with family and friends. I will get up at 5am tomorrow and go ride with the fast freddy group and they are monster bikers, this will be a heart pounding adventure. Trying to keep up and not get dropped is a serious challenge, That will be about 25 miles and then I will add some miles and do a brick work out and run 6 miles after. I also intend on swimming tomorrow.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:02:25 +0000

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