DEARLY BELOVED FELLOW INFIDELS , TO THOSE FELLOW INFIDELS IN AMERICA ~ A HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EVERYONE.... be thankful that America is still the land of the free and home of the brave....from sea to shining sea ! be thankful that you do not live ( yet !) under shariah law . https://youtube/watch?v=QlvWXtDNnG4 Former FBI agent : US infiltrated at Higest Level Dearly Beloved.... If you knew there was a faux religion which is only 10% religion ( obsessive compulsive rites and rituals ) and 90% totalitarian theocratic form of Nazism /fascism and that adherents of this faux religion are working super hard day and night to conduct covert jihad ( which is just as dangerous as overt jihad ) to infiltrate and proliferate this hideous ideology with the ultimate goal of imposing a most heinous and barbaric form of theocratic jurisprudence ( Shariah ) on every living being on planet earth ......would you become alarm , and would you immediately take action to warn and forewarn your fellow citizens ( internet is an excellent medium to contact millions of like minded patriots ) and would you unceasingly educate your cohorts as to the nature of this seditious ideology which is disguised as a religion ? . https://youtube/watch?v=Ox7OdSQxDO0 What is Sharia Law? Why it threatens America. Wafa Sultan explains https://youtube/watch?v=YpM6QKaAgP0 How Islam is taking over the world -- Islamization explained An informed public will empower informed elected officials to do the right thing to thwart the stealthy attempts by members of this purported religion of peace to surreptitiously insert shariah laws and compliance into our free democratic societies !....but only if the citizenry is educated as to the nature of the beast and likewise put pressure on the elected officials (starting at the local level ) to become educated as to the nature of the beast . Political correctness , ignorance, gullibility and may I say cluelessness will be the downfall of the great country of America....the hour approaches 12 midnight and as the swedes would say klockan slår tolv ( the clock strikes twelve as in Cinderella /Askungen ) -- unfortunately for the swedes, the minions of Mo are already taking over their country ...!!! https://youtube/watch?v=unVS7y2_-94 CIVILIZATION JIHAD IN AMERICA - are you prepared ?! citizenwarrior/2010/09/help-yourself-psychologically-on.html Citizen Warrior -- Face Book Allies !
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:27:53 +0000

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