DEATH OF SCALLYWAG CO FOUNDER ANGUS JAMES WILSON AND MICHAEL PORTILLO Angus James Wilson the co-founder of Scallywag Magazine, together with his half brother Simon Regan. Angus later became the editor of Scallywags successor Spiked magazine which continued where Scallwag left off pursuing the paedophiles linked to the Tory Government. That Angus James Wilson died in Cyprus in a car crash in September 1996. The following revealing letter, written by Simon Regan assists in the investigation. This letter details a meeting between Angus and Asil Nadir and the mysterious disappearance of compromising photographs of the then Minister of Defence Michael Portillo (with under age boys)Search for the Killer of Angus James Wilson The family of Angus Wilson, founding co-editor of Scallywag in 1992, is anxious to trace the man who killed him, Simon Stander, who is presently working for a University in Northern Cyprus. The circumstances of his death aged only 31 are fully covered in earlier editions of Scallywag Magazine, on the web at URL: Angus, Stander, and two girls, Alison Thompson and Shona Andrews - all employed on Anguss new magazine Spiked - had gone to Northern Cyprus for an assignation with Asil Nadir. Only Stander, Nadir and Nadirs henchman Peter Diamond know what actually happened at the meeting. It is known that Nadir wanted to recruit anyone who he thought might help him get back to England without facing prosecution. Part of the reasons for the visit was therefore to tell his side of the story of the Polly Peck heist. I was with Angus on the Friday before the visit in a pub in Primrose Hill, north London, when all four were in holiday mood. He told me that he had been supplied with compromising pictures of the then Minister of Defence, Michael Portillo, who lost his seat by a narrow margin in the last general election. He had the prints but wanted to raise money for the negatives and he was going to get Nadir involved. Peter Diamond had intimated that Nadir would indeed be very interested in seeing the pictures, and perhaps using them to put pressure on the British Government.The next morning all four embarked on the fateful journey. On the following Thursday, 6th September, Angus called my Mother, Valerie Wilson, to tell her the meeting with Diamond and Nadir had gone brilliantly and that he was in possession of a substantial cheque believed to be tens of thousands of pounds. On Friday, the next day, there was a further meeting with Diamond to finalise details and the four then went to eat at a local restaurant and then a casino where they had some wine and brandies. Until then Stander had been behaving rationally but at the casino he went off and gambled on his own while the three others played roulette. At about 2am on the Saturday morning the four decided to get back to their rented villa. Stander had for some time had a shine on Shona Andrews which had remained unrequited. He demanded that Shona sat in the front seat with him, which she refused to do. Instead, to try and quieten things down Angus took the front seat. Stander drove off at breakneck speed in a screaming temper. According to the girls evidence at the subsequent coroners hearing, he was completely demented, swearing foully at everyone, and threaten to kill everyone including himself. He swerved the wheel from side to side causing the car, at huge speed, to career across the road and eventually it hit a curb and turned over several times. Stander sustained superficial injuries. The two girls were severely traumatised, but basically unhurt as people in the village pulled them from the wreck and called an ambulance. Angus had sustained massive head injuries, which later that day resulted in his death. Stander was retained in hospital while the two girls were released and got back, heavily shocked, to the villa where they called Diamond who quickly came up to the house. He told them he would fix everything and that they should leave the country immediately. In effect, this removed the only two witnesses who could attest at any court proceedings as to just what happened. He rushed them by cab to the airport and put them on the next flight out. He took all Anguss possessions into his own custody, presumably with the cheque and with the photographs. The car was quickly disappeared presumably to a breakers yard. Valerie Wilson was contacted by the Foreign Office and told to deposit four thousand pounds with them to get Anguss body back for a funeral. Diamond made one call to Mrs Wilson, my mother, to assure her that he would look after everything. Stander made one call to my mother after his release from hospital to say he did not know what had happened. The girls arrived in London in a very traumatised state. None of Anguss possessions have been returned to the UK. Stander simply disappeared. He never once contacted any member of the family to show even the slightest resemblance of contrition. Diamond remained unapproachable. No one could get through his secretary in the private hotel suite owned by Nadir. He has made no contact since.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:20:59 +0000

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