DEDICATION “MAN POWER GOD POWER” Written the day of Robert - TopicsExpress


DEDICATION “MAN POWER GOD POWER” Written the day of Robert Baker’s memorial service in New York City. Dear Robert, The spiritual and energetic training and personal counseling I received under your master teachership as a trance channel of divine spirits continues to be the foundation of my personal and professional lives. Because of the Reiki and Light Ascension Therapist training I received from you, I was able to establish a private therapy practice that has continued my growth and expansion within a clinical setting. With you as a role model, I became a channel of spiritual entities from the higher realms and was chosen to lead sacred journeys of my own. Through your inspiration, I became a teacher, founded a metaphysical school, co-founded The Angel News Network and have written three books of my own. I already had a high profile, successful film production career before meeting you, but you allowed me to soar fully into my divine soul plan to contribute to Earth’s Golden Age future. But the greatest gift to me was the profound love I developed for you, Robert, the man. When I saw you struggling with issues of your own, it was easy to show my unconditional love for you. I am deeply saddened and somewhat angry that we shall no longer have your presence in this dimension. You are one of the most gifted messengers and teachers the world has ever seen. I know you are now with Archangel Gabriel off on some amazing projects. How fortunate I am that our paths were destined to meet. I know they will meet again. Keep us posted on your continued adventures. This MAN POWER GOD POWER is a small tribute to you from below and above… I Love You Robert, Phillip
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:10:28 +0000

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