DISCOVER HOW TO EARN MONEY WITH YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT {#20,000 - #70,000} AND IMPORTATION {#150,000} MONTHLY GAURANTEED Are you a College Student? Are you Staying at Home? Are you Struggling to make Ends Meet? Are you in Need of Extra Cash? Do you what to Change your Financial Status? If yes then you are at the right place: I know it is not easy to trust some you barely know but this is all i have to say i am David Abachi Randa a chrisitain and i Beleive in God you can count on me, my facebook and importation guide will surely help you increase you financial status i used to struggle way back trying to make extra income but failed, not until when my mentors Olaide Alim and Moses Ziregbe taught me the secrets which am using today so i have decided to share this with my dear friends i will not decieve you but i will only help you, assisting people to gain success is one of my greatest hobby. Allow me to tell you the secrets people like jumia, konga are using to import products like phones, laptops, shoes, televisions, airconditions, fridges, microwave, washing machines and so on and on cheap from China and Usa selling them to you at higher prices here in nigeria without you knowing. Thats the fact when you get started i bet you will never buy anything here in nigeria. You dont need to travel, you will just order for you goods and it will be delivered to your doorsteps here in Nigeria. No need of paying custom duties and you can start with #10000 and make up to #100,000 monthly guaranteed.Success comes as a result of hard work and motivation,If you dont take a risk you cant be a millionaire, i took so many risk but i thank God i never regreted dont say till tomorrow now is the right time there will be no tomorrow. I will reveal to you the following secrets So lets get started: HOW TO START EARNING BETWEEN 20,000 TO 70,000 MONTHLY WTH FACEBOOK ACCOUNT My dear friends i will teach you how to start making money from your facebooks just within 30 minutes to 1hour dialy just updating your status that all. This facebook cash making system is true,it is not a scam or illegal business,it does not require any start up capital. Stop wasting your time chatting on facebook just start making money.This is the same system that has consistently make me an average of $450 (#72,000) monthly for the past 4months. The exact system i have used to turn my FACEBOOK account into an ATM machine is what i am about to reveal to you. So, fasten your seat belt and get ready for the journey into FACEBOOK wealth... Dear Aspiring FACEBOOK money maker, If you have a FACEBOOK account, you post updates on your facebook wall and you have never for once used it to make a dime online before, this is the most important article you will ever read in your life. Why do i say this? I said so because... I have just uncovered a secret website that will pay you to post updates on your facebook wall (just as you will normally post updates on your facebook wall)and whenever any of your friends click on the link in the post, you get paid a fixed amount of money To some people this might actually not be a new discovery. Some people might have heard of this website but never knew the secret to using them to make extra cash online since they actually discriminate against some clicks. #Fact Research shown that around 76.4% of people who have a facebook account log into their facebook account daily Research also show that over 50% of the people that have a facebook account login to their account more than 2 times daily. Are you aware that less than 2% of people who have a FACEBOOK account do make money out of their facebook account? My Facebook Autopilot Cash ATM is set to open the door to you and enlist you among the 2% of FACEBOOK USERS that earn money from their facebook account. Come to think of these... Andrew has a facebook account with over 100 friends, he login into her facebook account daily to read his friends updates, he has some fanpages and groups he belongs to. He reads updates on the fanpages and groups as well. Some friends are online, Andrew chat with them and even drop offline messages for friends who arent online. He does all these and spend an average of 1 - 2 hours daily on facebook. He consume his data bundle doing this or uses his office connection. At the end of the month, no extra income for Andrew from facebook. Secondly Peters FACEBOOK account has 100 friends. He logins in once in a week to schedule all his posts to run for the next 7days or even 30days. He updates posts from the secret website that pays his to share updates on his wall. He put all the updates on autopilot. Spend 1 hour doing this and switch off from facebook. Choose to use his facebook account for other regular activities live Andrew does. ...and at the end of each week, Peter get paid by the secret website he works for. This can range from $30 - $100 weekly. Grant me the privilege of asking you this simple question If you were asked to choose between Andrew and Peter, which among the two would you love to fall into? If my guess is right, You possibly ,might have chosen peter. If you did, CONGRATULATION! Why did i congratulate you? I did so because you have just qualified to benefit from my specially created... Here is a produce of over 6 months of painstaking research into making money online from facebook. Good! You have a facebook account but in all honesty, youve never for once done anything about making money online before. This just perfect for you to start with. Its damn simple to implement just like my extra ordinarily lazy brother is doing right now. Oh! I once struggled to raise some cash to buy a material online like this, later discovered i need almost times 2 of that amount to implement what i learnt in the material. This requires no starting capital at all. 95% of every other stuffs that teaches you on how to earn online requires a whole lot of commitment and dedications but this need just a fraction of that. Honestly, anyone that can use a facebook can do this. Even if you are just a 15 year old boy or girl. Doesnt matter what you are presently doing... be you a Student, Corper, Civil Servant, Artisan, Unemployed, Factory Worker, Retiree, Part-time Jobber, Full time Jobber... I mean just anyone can do this and get result. Keep your past experiences in a waste bin. I am not concerned about that. My assurance is this: If you are ready to implement what you will learn in my FACEBOOK AUTOPILOT CASH ATM, you are rest assured of earning your first ever easiest money ever online. RECOMENDATIONS John from Kaduna Thank u sir for your guide it has generated me more cash i can now pay those bills i wasnt able to before. 08077168036 Oluwa Segun lagos What can i say i am grateful to you david your guide has changed my life from 0% to 100% I have been struggling hard but no result you help me balanced Thanks once again. 08140136136 Sarah Mathew kaduna Hmm am speechless your guide has help me alot. I know import jeweleries,shoes.earings, cosmetics,bags and this has increase my turnover, Kia You are a Genius. We stop here there lots of testimonies, it can take the whole day for use to finish. HOW TO IMPORT PRODUCT LIKE LAPTOPS,PHONES,CAR,SHOES,BAGS AN SO ON I will reveal to you how to import cheap goods from china,usa while sitting down at home and the goods will be delivery to your door step here in nigeria. You can import a new laptop at #20000 and sell it #40000, you can also import phone like andriod at #10,000 and sell it 30000, you can also import blackberry phone #7000 and sell #15000. You can start with #10,000 and get #150,000 profit monthly guaranteed. HOW TO IMPORT CAR AT 100,000 FROM USA TO NIGERIA You will also learn how to import a car at 100,000 from usa to nigeria. It true you can import car to nigeria without paying custom duties. Other bonuses included:how to browse almost free, how to market your product after import, I have prepared a Guide on how to carryout the above mention Secrets Revealed. I have also included some bonuses in the guide which include: how to browse the internet almost free, how to market your product after import, how to open a paypal account, how to avoid scammer online. If you want to learn all these secrets and boost your financial freedom just order for a copy and i shall deliver it to you. Do not fall victim of the scammers who portray themselves to be what they arent. In fact, a whole lot of them have copied the exact content of this website and are selling this product. Opportunity comes but once. Unfortunately, some people fail to identify it when it comes knocking. This is often regretted because the second chance might never come knocking again. HOW TO ORDER I would have charge you #30,000 for this but due to the economy hardship in the country i will charge you just #2500. Pay in #2500 to any of this Banks. First Bank Plc Account Name- David Abachi Randa Account No- 3048633335 Guaranty Trust Bank Account Name- David Abachi Randa Account No- 0051507791 After payment send a text message with your name, amount paid, bank paid, email, teller no, phone number to 08030955018 2hours after confirmation i will send your package to your email for you to download. Take Action today! To secure your financial freedom. For More Enquiries Call- 08030955018
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:44:54 +0000

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