DO YOU FEEL LIKE AN ORPHAN? HOW TO OVERCOME THE ORPHAN SPIRIT & HEALING THOSE WHO FEEL LIKE ORPHANS ….. Feeling like an orphan can be terrible. It has to do with sensing in your heart that you have no inheritance, no real heritage, no sense of security in feeling protected and that no one who really cares about your destiny. Most people affected with feeling like an orphan also feel and fear abandonment. An orphan can feel cut off from father and mother and in fact often is cut off from that important nurturing and security. Likewise, the person who may not legally or physically be an orphan can feel like an orphan before God. That person can feel the same pain by feeling cut off and insecure. THE ORPHAN SPIRIT AND THE FEAR OF ABANDONMENT WORK HAND-IN-HAND Abandonment is excruciating and painful beyond words. Fear of abandonment is a companion to the orphan spirit. If your father or mother walked away from you as a child for any number of reasons, you can feel abandoned. Latchkey children can feel abandoned. Children whose fathers or mothers are either dead or who stay away from home because of work, divorce or other reasons can feel abandoned. What one fears can come upon them. This means that the fear of abandonment will often attract those who will in fact walk away from you one day. It contributes to the orphan spirit and rides with it side by side. Christ wants to set us free from this .WHY THE ORPHAN SPIRIT CAN NEVER HAVE A LEGITIMATE OR LEGAL HOLD ON YOU What Christ wants you to know today is that you are not left as an orphan from the love, covenant and provisions of the Father. In our Lord’s own words, we have this: John 14:16-18 "AND I WILL ASK THE FATHER, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU ANOTHER HELPER, THAT HE MAY BE WITH YOU FOREVER; THAT IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT BEHOLD HIM OR KNOW HIM, BUT YOU KNOW HIM BECAUSE HE ABIDES WITH YOU, AND WILL BE IN YOU. "I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS; I WILL COME TO YOU.” What a promise! Jesus never left us alone. He will come again soon but in the meantime He will remain with us through the presence and gift of the Holy Spirit. He sent the Holy Spirit to be like Himself to us and to keep Jesus real in our lives. A Christian must never feel abandonment by God. There is no basis for it. In fact, God has given to us the spirit of adoption that we might truly become His child: “FOR YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED A SPIRIT OF SLAVERY LEADING TO FEAR AGAIN, BUT YOU HAVE RECEIVED A SPIRIT OF ADOPTION AS SONS BY WHICH WE CRY OUT, "ABBA! FATHER!" (Romans 8:15) What an awesome provision for our eternally being part of the family of God as sons and daughters! WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO OVERCOME ORPHAN SPIRIT 1. Recognize this orphan spirit and prepare to deal with it. If you do not see that you have it you may never be free. So the first step is revelation. 2. Bring your past and present hurts of feeling abandonment to God for healing. Ask Jesus to stand with you in these hurts and reach out to Him for full restoration. 3. Forgive those who have walked away from you. 4. Ask God to forgive you for any anger, bitterness, blame or other feelings against others or yourself. Be sure to forgive yourself. 5. Set other free from your expectations that they might abandon you some day. Let your friendship and relationship be guided by the Holy Spirit. 6. Reach out in friendship to others, showing yourself friendly, trusting God in that relationship...#fanx timothy#...Selah!...kiss
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:56:11 +0000

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