DO YOU FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE WHAT YOU KNOW TOO WELL?, IT MEANS THAT DEMONIC INITIATION IS AT WORK. ARE U DEMONICALLY INITIATED KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY?, ITS TIME TO BE FREE. 1. I renounce any demonic initiation working against my life, in Jesus’ name. 2. I take authority over all demonic initiations placed upon my life, in Jesus’ name. 3. I bind all principalities and powers in charge of every demonic initiation over my life, in Jesus’ name. 4. Oh Lord, wash me and deliver me from every demonic initiation I have entered into knowingly or unknowingly, in Jesus’ name. 5. All demons associated with demonic initiation, leave me now, by fire, in Jesus’ name. 6. I overthrow every satanic middle man or woman opposing my deliverance from demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 7. I dismantle and set on fire every evil altar where my name has been taken to for demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 8. I set on fire any point of contact that is being used to represent me for demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 9. Blood of Jesus, purge and set me free from every demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 10. I command every demonic initiation upon my life to expire by fire, in Jesus’ name. 11. Spirit of the living God, come upon my life and deliver me from demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 12. I send rain of affliction upon every witch-doctor in charge of demonic initiation in my life. 13. I release myself from every family inherited demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 14. I close forever, with the blood of Jesus, any door I may have opened to demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 15. I release myself from every demonic pollution originating from demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 16. Every demonic attack against my life, due to past and present demonic initiation; be converted into victory, in Jesus’ name. 17. I refuse to be initiated in my dreams, in Jesus’ name. 18. Every root of demonic initiation in my life; be uprooted by fire, in Jesus’ name. 19. I disconnect myself from any conscious or unconscious link with demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name. 20. I receive release from the captivity of demonic initiation, in Jesus’ name.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:36:51 +0000

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