DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT YOUR BODIES ARE MEMBERS OF CHRIST HIMSELF? (1 COR 6:15=> 1 THES 5:23) The human body was honored at the time of its creation and, after the Original Sin, was restored again at the time of the Incarnation of the everlasting Son of God who became the God-Man, for us men and for our salvation. The Divine Message was brought to mankind through chosen personalities, that is, through men and women who devoted their body and soul, together and in one entity, for the mission of Gods Will among men. In short, the Divine Message is Truth through personalities. God has greatly honored the human body and we as His creatures should respect His Will by protecting our own body and leading our steps to the fulfillment of our duty towards a better Christian Society. A healthy body is an obligation to its Creator. The prolonging of human life is not only a law of our nature but also an obligation for the purpose of fulfilling the commandments that God who became man has asked us to do. Certainly a healthy body is an indispensable instrument for such a fulfillment. Therefore, good nourishment and the safe-guarding of our body are not only our wish or desire, but they are also an obligation to the Creator. The Christian is an active soldier all his life. He must be on guard, day and night, to maintain that which he needs - not only a healthy spirit but also a healthy body. His healthy life is considered as a gift from God and as such, must be used for His Will. This is the reason why it is prohibited for one to commit suicide, to the extent that the Church does not allow Church services in such cases. Two directions are important in keeping our body in good condition. 1, we must nourish it properly, not only with material things, but also with a spiritual direction because the physical well-being of our body depends on our spiritual well-being. 2, to safeguard our body from physical ills. The human body is a complicated mechanism, and it is important to consult, from time to time, the special ministers of the body - that is, the medical doctors. “without holiness no one will see the LORD” (HEB 12:14). FR SANTHOSH VARGHESE
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:03:12 +0000

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