DOES LONG DISTANCE PRAYER WORK ON YOUR KIDS? The next time you - TopicsExpress


DOES LONG DISTANCE PRAYER WORK ON YOUR KIDS? The next time you cover your KIDS in prayer ... and they dont even know it ... recalling this true Godwink Story will BRING YOU COMFORT. Franklin’s parents were worried. He was a NEW PILOT, flying a small plane from Florida to Texas. They ardently prayed for his safe return to college. They had no way of knowing, but Franklyn DESPERATELY NEEDED PRAYER at that exact moment. All his ELECTRICAL POWER WENT OUT. The cockpit was dark. Fear and tension moved through his body as he assessed his options. He determined that he needed to get BELOW the CLOUDS to find a place for an EMERGENCY LANDING! [Option - You can WATCH this story: hulu/watch/141333#i3,p4,d2] Meanwhile, at a small airport near Jackson, MS, controller Sydney McCall had closed down operations and was giving AN AFTER-HOURS TOUR of the control tower TO SOME FOLKS FROM CHURCH. He lifted a devise called it a light gun, and began to demonstrate. “The GREEN light can signal a pilot who has lost radio contact that he has clearance to land,” he said. Unbelievably, at that exact moment, FRANKLIN was LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO LAND. Suddenly he SAW A GREEN LIGHT signaling a pilot in distress. “The tower has seen us!” he said excitedly to his passengers. Quickly they hand-cranked the wheels down, headed for the green light. Back in the control tower Sydney continued his tour. He moved his hand to a lever. “THIS SWITCH TURNS ON THE LANDING LIGHTS,” he said, knowing his audience would be startled wide-eyed when THE RUNWAY outside the windows BURST INTO LIGHT. They were. Then, Sydney pushed the lever again, and the runway RETURNED TO DARKNESS. In the small plane Franklyn was so grateful. Just as he was heading down, the RUNWAY LIGHTS BURST ON. His wheels touched the runway and his passengers exhaled a thankful gasp. But, AS THEY TAXIED toward the hanger, the lights went out. “YOU’D THINK THEY COULD HAVE LEFT THEM ON A BIT LONGER,” said a passenger, somewhat surprised. But no one was more surprised than Sydney when, at the end of his tour, someone shouted, “A plane has just landed.” “What?” You can just imagine his reaction when he found out that the young man coming through the door was Franklin Graham, the son of the famous preacher Billy Graham! •••• The next time you wonder if long distance prayer can really work on YOUR KIDS ... think about Franklin Graham. He’ll attest to it. So will his dad, Billy. By the way, this story, told in When God Winks on New Beginnings, is one of Franklins favs. Good wishes and godwinks. SQuire
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 11:13:38 +0000

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