DOWN WITH ISLAM CHRISTIANITY CAUCASIONS SUPREMACY!!!!Thank you for the add but i must warn you that i am for my people in the motherland and around the world to bring back the africa please see my videos to know my reasons peace to you may your ancestors bless you in all you do for your people of our skin color and culture..... If you are only going to pray and beg our oppressors for change while knowing that our oppressors could care less about our suffering, then you are the problem. When the Europeans and Arabs first came to Africa they did not pray nor beg the Africans for acceptances or submission, they made it possible by doing everything that was necessary of them and use every resources available to them then, to get the Africans to submit. But why do you think youre going to get yours by begging the same people who had caused your down fall in the first place? Why did they made you became their servants, was it not to controlled you? Why do you still think they will give you a helping hand in reclaiming that which was lost, the once powerful you? Wouldnt it be disadvantageous to them? Get it right first and then youll find the solution which we all are searching for. Reclaim yourself, your culture, your identity because all of the answers are there. They may be powerful but always remember that nothing is impossible as long you give it your best. If it something that must happen then it will happen eventually, they cant do nothing to stop it.These Negropean today are a New Species. The Negropean race. Human Zebras and hyenas So call Black women have historically problematized feminism, due to the implications of slavery and prejudice. They created a totally separate movement called Womanism which asserts that the relationship between a so call Black man and aso call Black woman is significantly different from the relationship between a so call White man and aso call White woman, because the so call white woman battles the pale face man for subjugating her, but the so call black women battles all oppressive forces that subjugate her, her children, and the so call black man. It further asserts that racism forced so call African-American men and so call African-American women to take on unconventional gender roles. In this context, the desire of mainstream feminism to dismantle traditional gender roles becomes inapplicable to the so call black experience. My take on Feminist Superemacy starts with arguments substance abuse, spousal rape, infidelity, physical fights and outright meanness jaw dropping stereotypes associate with being so call blacks making one change their mentality The rhetoric that is the direct resuit of the european world view has modled our entire existence in to being sworn enemys to our mates and to our own children againist a Nubian way of life...I have a Question how many sistas are here seeking a real husband and willing to learn afrikan ways of life to make this work? How many brothas has the skills and the know how on keeping there family together once you start down this path? do you really overstand what it is you would have to do? do you overstand what is needed? are you ready to learn more to make it work for your family to be?You see people it is not what your saying but what your doing about it i see my sister Queens all over the place with skills and overstanding but not down with the real building of our people nations! They still cought up with that so call white man vice and that caucaisan female style and way of life until that is out of our blood King Man like mind will still be holding what is left together sad but real ,We can not talk and get mad at our enemy because he puts our men sons and fathers in jail that is what they suppost to do!!they are our enemy ? We as sister Queens mothers should be doing what we need to do to build our KING Man up and show him the love respect and honor we want so bad from him!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:14:30 +0000

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