DROPPING EXCREMENT ONTO PEOPLE AND MOCKING AN ENDEARING CAUSE. A few days ago I was accused of allowing the members of this group to metaphorically drop excrement onto members of another group, and of “...making a mockery of a very endearing cause.” Ive thought this over and decided to respond. First, as mediator of this group, if anyone attacks you or anyone else for that matter, please bring it up to my attention, and I will deal with it. As for what is/was posted elsewhere, please bring that to the attention of that other groups mediator. If its not materially true, or you cant prove claims, than it doesnt belong here. Opinions are welcome. If you dont know the difference between an opinion and a claim, please ask. Please read the pinned post, The rules are simple, dont slander others, dont abuse one another, keep debate lively but respectful. The rules are simple and all are welcome. We live in a free country, where I expect to have a voice and to be respected for my opinion, whether you agree with me or not. In the Former Soviet Union, when one has fallen out of favour, you were arrested by the secret police in the middle of the night, disappeared, you were publicly denounced by your family, friends and co-workers, and then you were airbrushed out of pictures. Nobody questioned this for fear that it would happen to them too. When the mediator of that other group decided to ban me from her group and revise history by making my threads disappear, and then have a loyal group member denounce me (without giving me the benefit of being able to respond), that mediator struck a nerve in me. It appears to me that this sort of thing happens so often that the individual who does this has desensitized herself from what she was doing. What did this individual expect me to do? I have spent 21 years in the Canadian Forces, where I was willing to accept unlimited liability (that means to die, if need be), to protect people like that other groups mediators right to free speech, and her conscience even if, and especially if, I dont agree. If you have a close friend or a family member who is a former or current serving member of our armed services, then you probably know about the things theyve witnessed, accomplished, and had to deal with, to keep all of us free of tyranny. We are all so very lucky to live in a society where war doesnt break out and the neighbour youve had for years kills your family, because you dont share the same religion. But I digress. Because a place like Facebook makes it easy to “manage” a groups members, we sometimes take the little things like freedom of speech for granted. Dealing with some people in this group requires the patience of Job. It would have been so easy to ban/block/delete; but if I do, then it would take away from the debate, and wed be committing the very transgression that this group was created to protest. As for the claim: “You are making a mockery of a very endearing cause.” While I agree that animal welfare is indeed an endearing cause, if anyone can find a thread by me, making a mockery of the welfare of animals, please post it here and I will eat a very large serving of Humble Pie. That being said, if you are silly enough to make outrageous claims, blinded by one sided arguments, silence the voices you dont agree with, and especially ridicule others, what makes you think that you would NOT be subject of mockery??? This is a free country. To summarize: Animal Welfare is an endearing cause. People making outrageous and false statements and attempting to pass them off as fact, deserve to be mocked in the most mocking manner possible. I conclude this essay (rant?) with the immortal words of the Frenchman from Monty Pythons The Holy Grail: “I dont want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!” Sir Galahad: “Is there someone else up there we can talk to?” Frenchman: “No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!” (Hopefully the people worthy of mocking will get the message, but probably not).
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:24:11 +0000

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