Daily Devotion -- July 5, - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotion -- July 5, 2014 ****************************************** Walk in My Ways If you listen to all that I command you and walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight . . . then will I be with you and build an enduring house as I did for David. I Kings 11:38, NASB Many Christians are confused and depressed by how their lives are turning out. They go to the best self-help conferences and take the education that should guarantee success. Often these quests fail to produce satisfaction, only reaching the mind and not the heart. . . except to produce a temporary rush. Many have a failed experience in what Addison said about blessings: “A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.” The nature of the holy Scriptures recorded in the Bible is a personally concerned Creator knowing mankind would need a manual for how to experience and live life. He wrote inspired words through holy men by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — the very words He felt necessary for mankind’s life and health. If you listen to all that I command you and walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight . . . then will I be with you and build an enduring house as I did for David. This verse reveals each of God’s children have a path to walk if they allow the Father to build them an enduring house. I must first of all listen, and then I must walk. Every day I am to take a spiritual cardiology walk that is the distance of the length of the day. During my walk I am to do, which refers to keeping on the move, or serving, until the tasks that He has given me for that day are done. Only by listening, walking, and doing can a believer gain today’s promise: an enduring house. Our verse reminds us what the words of Jesus said, Seek first His Kingdom and His righteous and all these things will be given to you. Seeking may include carrying difficult things such as medical problems or mortgages that are upside down. But you can daily allow His yoke to be placed on your neck and then walk and do. Don’t walk with pain in your hearts, but walk with one halting step at a time toward heaven’s door to the One who can take the pain away. ********************************************************************************************** Dr. Bob Segress (1)Robert L Segress, Ph.D., Th.M., served as a college professor (full-time and part-time) and psychotherapist for twenty-five years. He was the Director of Psychological Services of The Riverton General Hospital in Seattle Washington and is an ordained minister who served as an interim pastor. He wrote The Biblical Approach to Psychology in 1974. After retiring, he became a prison minister at Shelton Prison in Washington State, in which capacity he has served for fifteen years.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:58:40 +0000

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