Daily Manna: Reaping What Is Sown Wednesday 11, September - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Reaping What Is Sown Wednesday 11, September 2013 TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 5:11-25 KEY VERSE: “And David took him more concubines and wives out of Jerusalem, after he was come from Hebron: and there were yet sons and daughters born to David” (2 Samuel 5:13). We cannot choose the wrong and get the right. If we look to the world for our example, we would get whatever the world has, including heartaches and gross abhorrence for God’s word. Why did David quickly go off course to start multiplying wives? His action becomes more intriguing when viewed against his observation in the opening verse that his ascension to the throne was purely by divine providence. The reason is probably because the kings of the heathen nations around Israel, including Hiram of Tyre, practised polygamy and the temptation to do likewise was too great for David. Though a great king, nation- builder and a ‘man-after-God’s- heart’, David had many failures. Among them was his inability to follow godly pattern in marriage. David accumulated wives contrary to the express command of the word of God (Deuteronomy 17:17). What did he have for his disobedience and lust? He faced much heartaches and experienced rape, murder and damning rivalry among his own children. He had daughters who were not identified in Scripture. Sadly, none of the children ever became prominent except for Solomon who also ironically fell into his father’s sin and kept a harem of wives who turned his heart away from God. Forsaking God’s commandment in any area of life is deadly. If unrepented of, it could become a cankerworm capable of bringing defeat and suffering not only to the sinner, but also to those close to him. It is impossible for anyone to ignore the counsel of God and get away with it. A grim fate will catch up with him, if not now but definitely, in eternity. Make up your mind today not to be influenced by the world around you. Endeavour rather to provoke a change in others by the godly life you have chosen to live. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Sow obedience and reap peace.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 05:50:06 +0000

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