Daily Prayer:- The first essential for a happy Christian home - TopicsExpress


Daily Prayer:- The first essential for a happy Christian home is that love must be practiced. Homes that are built on material attraction and lust are destined to crumble and fall. Love is the cohesive force that holds the family together. True love contains an element of spiritual mystery. It embodies loyalty, reverence, and understanding. Love imposes a tremendous responsibility on all members of a family, but it is a responsibility accompanied by glorious rewards. “Love,” says the Bible, “even as Christ . . . loved the church, and gave Himself for it.” How did Christ love the church? Church is the body of Christ and we who are the called out assembly form the church.He loved it despite its faults, its mistakes, and its weaknesses. True love does not fail. It loves despite personality defects, physical blemishes, and mental quirks. Love is deep, abiding, and eternal. Nothing can bring a sense of security into the home as true love can. Daily prayer:- Help me today, to listen, to love and care for my loved ones with a heart that is made sensitive by You, Jesus.Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:41:12 +0000

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