Danger of Idolatry The Lord told us the danger of idolatry. My - TopicsExpress


Danger of Idolatry The Lord told us the danger of idolatry. My younger brother was at a Catholic school. It is one of the best schools in my country, but they were forced to commit idolatry. They all had to celebrate mass and bow down to statues. Jesus instructed us that my brother had to leave that school and repent of idolatry. If you commit idolatry in any way, please repent. If you don’t, it will take you to hell. Do not love or give your devotion to anything more than God. It becomes an idol. The Lord wants to be first in your life. He also told us that the anti-Christ will soon be here and will deceive many. Jesus said the anti-christ will do many blasphemous things, but the Lord will crush him. He said, “The anti-christ is already here, and many people are already following him. They don’t know he is the anti- christ, and millions are following him blindly. He will arise very soon, but I am also coming very soon.” Evangelize the Lost The Lord then said it is the duty of every Christian to evangelize to the lost. He said many are lost and are going to eternal damnation and destruction in hell, and it is our duty to warn them and let them make their own choice of where they want to go. The Lord Jesus Christ said we should never judge anyone and say they would never repent even if we shared the gospel with them. He said, “How do you know they cannot repent? It’s not your duty to judge.” Jesus told us, “You must warn people to repent and not be afraid of warning anyone because you are afraid that they will hate you. Many will hate you, even many of your family members will hate you, but you must warn them. Do not be afraid of losing anyone’s love, because My love will make up for all the love they would have given you. My love is purer than gold. “Hell is a terrible place, and if you really love someone you will prefer for them to be hurt now by your warning and escape from hell. Do not judge anyone. I am the only judge. But you must warn everyone, so they can make their own decision. Tell them the truth. Warn them, those who believe will come to Me while for those who don’t believe, it will be for their own judgment, a moment they will regret in hell forever.” Warn Mankind about Hell The Lord then told us that He was the One who showed Angelica Zambrano heaven and hell and that her testimony is true. He said, “Many people say there is no hell because the Lord is a merciful God. It is true that God is merciful, but He punishes those who turn away from Him. How can they talk about My judgments, when they don’t even know Me? When they’ve never even known My power? There is a real hell and you have to warn mankind. Let them make their own choice. “I have taken many people to heaven and hell to come back and testify, but why does humanity not believe? Why do you doubt their testimonies? Hell is a terrible place and it is not My wish that anyone should end up there.” When The Lord said this, I felt his pain, I felt his aching heart for the world being deceived, his compassion on His people who are being deceived by false prophets only talking about prosperity. One of my friends had passed on some months earlier and the Lord told me she’s in hell. She lived a sinful life and I never bothered to share the gospel with her. It hurt me so much to hear that, and I just cried to Jesus to forgive me for not warning her of her sinful lifestyle. The Lord said “You must never be afraid of warning anyone.” If you have a loved one living in sin, I tell you it’s better for you to tell them the truth and have them hate you for it. You would have given them the opportunity to make their own decision. Do it in a loving, compassionate way that will draw them to God. Rachel mushala testimony Repent J
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:20:19 +0000

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