Daniel 12; 3 and the wise shall shine as the brightness of the - TopicsExpress


Daniel 12; 3 and the wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and that many to righteousness as the stars, forever and ever. 4 but you, Daniel, keep the hidden words, and seal the book until the end time; many will do research, and will enhance the knowledge. If someone is not wise, then he can not logical thinking, because he has no insight in certain matters. The thoughts life than with a spiritual veil covered, whereby it is certain things on natural or spiritual area do not understand or understands. The Bible gives it a beautiful spiritual example, for it is written: for to the present day remains the same covering about of the reading of the old Covenant without to be removed, since they are only in Christ will disappear. Yes, to the present matter is, when Moses (the law) is read out, a covering over their heart (image of the spiritual thinking), but whenever someone turn to the Lord converted, the covering removed (2. Corinthians 3: 14-16). The Bible teaches: Because law does know sin (Romans 3: 20). It is precisely by sin, that there is a spiritual covering on thinking the man is. The inner of man is thereby prevented, for the word of God to come to understand and to be understood spiritually. Jesus Christ has accomplished everything through his atoning sacrifice on the cross. There is a new spiritual path opened for man, to come to God by his blood. It is written: and the blood of Jesus, Gods son, cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1: 7b). If our mind is cleansed by the blood of Jesus, then the mind of man is sanctified and away from evil. The inner man is wise. There is no spiritual covering more on the heart of man. Because there is no spiritual covering more is the mental thinking of man, Gods child of God gets mental exposures, making him the word of God inner understanding. Inner you become happy and happy and that rubs off of you. Lots of things are clearly the child of God, because Gods spirit leads you in all truth. Mentally you may then participate in the glory of God. God has for his true children no spiritual secrets. The glory of God In the natural world is reflected by the gloss of the firmament and as stars in the sky. In the visible world you may then participate in the greatness of the Lord, which he in the creation has revealed. In the invisible world of the Kingdom of God, you may also participate in the glory and the greatness of the Lord. Because you are new created in Jesus Christ, you are very welcome as new creation a sky citizen being in the Kingdom of the son of his love. By those agape-love of the Lord you radiate Gods glory from. Other people are affected in the heart through it and also want to participate in the glory of God. As a child of God, you can tell such people what the Lord has done in your life. How God through your faith in the Lord has changed your life positively. This life change is noticed by the people around you and that makes them anxious, to be as to be changed as you. When you enter, then you become a witness of the Lord and through the cross on Calvary you bring such people to the Lord, whereby they too radiant personalities are like yourself. Then get that people just like you also participated in the nature of God and are partakers of God to the eternal glory of God Almighty in Jesus Christ name. In the time of the Prophet Daniel all these spiritual delights could not yet be revealed, because Jesus Christ in the fullness of time had not yet been revealed. Therefore these things mentally still kept hidden in the Old Testament. Despite that Daniel in the Old Testament by God on a great way was used, it was to let him yet, something of Gods glory to discover what was intended for the end time. Gods Word is very clear, for it is written: To have sought and sought this salvation the prophets who prophesied of the grace to you, while they naspeurden, on which or such as was time the spirit of Christ in them was referring when he geruigenis gave in advance of all the suffering, that Christ would come, and the glory thereafter. Their was revealed, that they are not themselves but you served with those things, which you are now expressed through them, which by the Holy Ghost, that of heaven sent is, you have brought the Gospel, in which things even Angels covet a look to save (1 Peter 1: 10-12). Jesus Christ says of himself: I am the way and the truth and the life; No one comes to the father except through me (John 14: 6). Because he is the beginning of the fulness of times, he has also made a start to the truth of God, so Gods righteousness to reveal what Gods plan and purpose was with man and creation. Because Jesus Christs message concerning the Kingdom of heaven is so unique for spirit, soul, body and for all creation is mankind going to do research on natural and in the spiritual area. It appears by all ages, that the message is a message from God the father of such a rich content that actually exceeds the human mind. On the human level, one can always learn more and one is surprised about the wonders which God has placed in the creation. In the spiritual area is this heavenly Gospel, which the Lord has brought, in essence of his Father in the heavens. It is written: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but of the father who sent me (Jn 14: 24b). By the Holy Spirit we are now even more revelations revealed. Revelations, which we have been able to keep impossible. The full plan of salvation of God the father will by Gods Son in the power of the Holy Spirit be perfectly realized, so that God will be all in all in Jesus Christ Almighty name. Halleluja. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:32:29 +0000

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