Dark Matter in the Singulosynthesis Universe The Current - TopicsExpress


Dark Matter in the Singulosynthesis Universe The Current Scientific Consensus Composition of the Universe 4.9% - ordinary matter 26.8% - dark matter 68.3% - dark energy (Note: Totals are from Wikipedia and cross referenced with a few other sources. I am not sure how black holes fit into these totals.) The Singulosynthesis Universe Current Composition and Beginnings 15.5% - ordinary matter (mass with entropy and physical information) 84.5% - dark matter (Singulosynthesis remnant of timeless degeneracy mass or what I refer to as a Ted) 0% - dark energy - Is a perceived effect of Singulosynthesis (Note: These totals may need adjusting due to how black holes are classified by the current scientific consensus; black holes may require their own category.) Binary black holes must maintain the relativistic binary orbital velocity of the speed of light to perform Singulosynthesis. All physical information and black hole entropy must be reassigned from a lower mass black hole horizon before a larger mass black hole will have no identity conflict (Please refer to my other paper The path to understanding the rational universe - An argument for the objective observation, recording, and quantification of gravitational waves based on implied consequences of conserving physical information in the entropy of a black hole horizon if you have no idea what I am referring to or the black hole model I am using). Once the entropy and physical information horizon of a black hole are gone a temporal horizon will remain over the degeneracy mass remnant of the former black hole. A larger mass black hole will accept a timeless degeneracy mass remnant (Dark Matter or Ted) of a former lower mass black hole through its horizon only after Singulosynthesis is complete. This implies a constant ALL dark matter and black holes must abide by. For now it is just known as “The Vick Effect” and should have some relationship to the Hubble’s Law or Hubble’s constant (this is something I am looking into right now). The primordial dark matter of the Singulosynthesis universe was the timeless degeneracy mass resulting from the first event of Singulosynthesis and it notably had no magnetism. All Singulosynthesis occurring after the first event produced dark matter (timeless degeneracy mass black hole remnants or Teds) with increasing levels of magnetism. Singulosynthesis produced dark matter to its current levels over time by temporally converting matter into dark matter. The quantity of dark energy we perceive today is the proportion of dark matter produced through Singulosynthesis by converting temporal mass into non temporal mass. 57.7% of the total currently perceived 84.5% dark matter has actually been produced through Singulosynthesis since the initial event of Singulosynthesis at the beginning of the universe. Dark matter production through Singulosynthesis progressively assisted in the formation of galaxies and the structure of the universe while accelerating the expansion of the universe simultaneously. The Singulosynthesis universe began with 26.8% dark matter, 78.2% matter, and 0% dark energy. This accounts for the 51.4% metallicity discrepancy we observe based on current models. Dark matter is timeless degeneracy mass created through Singulosynthesis at different intervals of time over time. From any black holes 100% mass, the Singulosynthesis process should always end leaving at minimum a 26.8% timeless degeneracy mass remnant (dark matter or Ted) of the former black hole. As the universe produces dark matter through Singulosynthesis more entropy and physical information has been assigned to less available mass over time. Entropy and physical information interact with both existing and newly produced gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are particle waves. Entropy and physical information are assigned to mass thereby creating the perception of space and time. The reduction of temporal mass through the assignment of physical information and entropy to gravitational waves also increased the complexity of all gravitational waves in the universe over time. This is why the universe appears to be accelerating and ionized gas has an affinity for magnetized timeless degeneracy mass remnants of former black holes. The original Singulosynthesis event produced the first gravitational waves (which are really particle waves) of the universe and themselves have been recycled over time. Singulosynthesis recycles duality through reassigning entropy and physical information in the form of reestablished particle waves (which are gravitational waves). This recycling occurred at different times over time creating new particle waves not temporally associated with the original. Just as 51.4 % of the universe has been recycled from matter into dark matter, 51.4 % of all original particle waves in the universe (which are gravitational waves) have been recycled over time at different times with new time. Regarding the concept of timeless degeneracy mass black hole remnants (Dark matter or Teds) being accepted into horizons of other black holes, this concept can go both ways. Sufficient gravity can crush matter out of time and into an existing temporal horizon creating a black hole horizon with entropy and physical information. Just to recap, there is no dark energy. Black holes are the gas tank of the universe, 2 black holes are the engine converting matter to dark matter through the recycling time via gravitational waves (which are particle waves), matter is the fuel, byproducts are increasing quantities of dark matter and increasing quantities of entropy and physical information interacting with existing gravitational waves or new ones created through Singulosynthesis. The universe is not dying through ever increasing entropy, it is doing the opposite. The universe is piling more entropy and physical information onto less available mass through gravitational waves and Singulosynthesis. The universe appears to be speeding up in its transition toward a state of pure dark matter and pure entropy and physical information with no mass. The first generation stars in the universe formed without magnetism and must be generated within a simulation to figure out how they formed without any magnetism. However, I suspect a universe model comprising of 78.2% matter and 26.8% timeless degeneracy mass would boil over through Singulosynthesis fairly rapidly (this is like stage 4 or 5 on my simulation list). Every star which formed after the first population formed around a magnetized timeless degeneracy mass. The internal magnetic field of all non-first generation stars cause’s drag on a star’s rotation is not generated completely by core fusion. Population 2 stars and on have the burdened of needing enough core mass to crush through an existing temporal horizon which exists today in the core of every star. At minimum 26.8 percent of all non-first generation stars are formed around magnetized timeless degeneracy mass (dark matter, Teds). Certain type 1a supernovas offer an opportunity to reveal a timeless degeneracy mass around which a star once formed. Unlike any other form of super nova, a type 1a remnant or event with a known existing companion star will leave behind a magnetized timeless degeneracy mass which we can indirectly observe. It is the magnetized timeless degeneracy mass around which the star formed. For the sake of modeling I will use Tychos remnant as a guide. Since type 1a supernovas occur at the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.44 solar masses my cosmology predicts a minimum of a .41 solar mass magnetized timeless degeneracy mass objected around which the star formed. Following the path from the remnants blast shadow created by a companion star, past the companion star will lead you to the vicinity of the progenitor star timeless degeneracy mass region. Lurking within Tychos remnant 8 - 9.8k light years away will be a compact object with the dimensions of a .41 solar mass black hole, but it will not behave like a black hole. This object will be transparent and it will gravitationally lens light in the way galactic scale dark matter does. All type 1a supernova remnants with identified companion stars should have these magnetized transparent timeless degeneracy mass objects (magnetized dark matter or Teds). If the CMBR is the face of God, the gravitational lensing of light caused by these compact timeless degeneracy mass objects would be God winking at us. Some questions that need answering: How closely does the Hubble Constant relate to dark matter synthesis through Singulosynthesis? Singulosynthesis implies increasing entropy and physical information populating of gravitational waves in the universe. Could this growing entropy and physical information discrepancy in the universe be in the form of increased magnetism or other properties? Is there a maximum quantity of entropy and physical information a gravitational wave (currently known as a particle wave) can handle? Does the current scientific consensus count black holes as matter when they are actually in a temporally neutral state? If the Bekenstein bound is applicable to black hole horizons could relativistic jets be entropy and physical information overflow mechanisms? Does the Bekenstein bound manage dark matter production under Singulosynthesis and gravitational wave population or is there another mechanism? Exactly how sure are we that a stars internal magnetic field is created by fusion in a star core? How long will our Sun last if it is comprised of a minimum of 26.8% infusible magnetized timeless degeneracy mass? How many answers to how many questions do I already have under copyright? © 2013 Jimmy Vick
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:39:23 +0000

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