Dave commented: Bulls**t. To permit lawless capitalist, every law - TopicsExpress


Dave commented: Bulls**t. To permit lawless capitalist, every law defying corporation, to take any action, no matter how iniquitous, in the effort to secure improper profit and to build up privilege, would be ruinous to the republic! (Theodore Roosevelt). I remember the results of those tax cuts, the worst economic meltdown since the 30 and hundreds of thousands of last jobs a month. A lesson in economic history. In 1922 republican Warren Harding dropped the top tax rate from 73% down to 25%, it kicked off a gambling real estate and stock market bubble that burst in 1929. Roosevelt fixed that by raising the top tax rate on the super rich back up to over 90%. The economy boomed and the middle class prospered. Ronald Reagan dropped the top tax rate down to 28%, leading with in a year to the worse economic recession since the great depression, followed by the savings and loan crisis. Clinton took the top tax rate back up to 39% and the economy boomed with jobs. G W Bush Jr. came into office, cut the top tax rate back down, we got another economic crash and high unemployment. Trickle down fairy dust has failed every time. Time to end the Bush tax cuts. Time to tax the wealthy and corporations, support unions, buy American and vote blue in 2014 and 2016!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 22:37:18 +0000

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