Dawn Littlefield wrote this last night, please feel free to chime - TopicsExpress


Dawn Littlefield wrote this last night, please feel free to chime in on this subject. Dawn Littlefield tagged you in a post Looking for attorney to represent pain(citizens) patients whove lost everything,lost life,or otherwise been injured by government and drs refusing to treat people in pain.we.want it approached as a human rights violation and abuse of power giving false information to public and physicians about accidental overdose facts.ie.pain patients do not accidentally overdose,they commit suicide.accidentally overdosing happens in non tolerant opiad surgery or accident patients.its a right to quality of life and right to life without pain we want addressed and the shame heaped on people who have to take opiates is because the government has shoved it down lay peoples throats.now people feel afraid and ashamed to say they need opiates for fear of being labeled an addict. Personally,I need a grant researcher and writer willing to work on commission from grants received.I want to do studies showing the difference in chronic pain patient/ surgery/ and addicts showing the difference in the brain and how we tolerate and function on high amounts of pain meds. Want to follow these groups for 1, 5 and 10 years to track group survival rates and quality of life as well as group who feels pain is addressed and those who are battling for pain controls they need as an individualpared to group not getting amounts needed for quality of life. Follow attitudes of 4 countries and how the patients are treated by physicians and how government and society views people in pain.track survival rates and quality of life impacts And because I believe fibromyalgia is a junk term used when drs just have no idea what something is; need to separate people in real pain from people who can take a tylonal and not have much impact on their life .I believe a true fibro patient has a precursor to lupus which if they survive long enough turns into cancer.I have followed almost 600people for almost 20 years unofficially and need to do an official study to prove my hypothesis. Robert Wiley ..thoughts on this Or anyone in pain
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:02:07 +0000

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