Day: 12 Date: Sunday June 16th Status: Alive Location: - TopicsExpress


Day: 12 Date: Sunday June 16th Status: Alive Location: Xi’an Today I hiked Hua Shan (Mount Hua). It should be renamed to Mount Sucks your Money. Extremely expensive but I did have fun. More than the actual plank walk, I had fun getting there and coming back down…. 400 yuen later. It all started with getting off at the wrong stop. They announced Hua Shan, they just didn’t point out that it was the old school traditional hike in which you need to either be a marathon runner or you need to spend the night at the mountain. This set us back for an hour. I was with Jee Seik by the way. Once back on track we took the cable car up to the West peak and walked around the mountain looking for my precious planks (this is the hike against the cliff where you walk on planks). Found them, had to pay more for it. My major source of entertainment was observing the chinese people freaking out as they walked on the plank. The path turned out to be tiny and over in 5 seconds if it wasn’t because of the traffic. I though you didn’t wear harnesses or any of that and turns out they make you wear them. It was too controlled and crowded. Especially crowded… When I first saw a video of this place like 5 years ago I thought it was a sacred place, very isolated and quiet. It was the total opposite. But again, I had fun observing people walk in terror. HA! On the plank I ran into two friends from the hostel –Chris (USA), Lukas (Germany) - who were supposed to be there earlier but missed the train. Last bus back to Xi’an left at 5pm so we had to run down the mountain like crazy. We didn’t make it by 5pm. It was an interesting run. Legs turned to noodles. Turns out we could have taken the late bus which is about 13 yuen more expensive. There was a point when I had some trouble walking! My legs had become super uncoordinated! We made it back to an unknown station and had a fun time finding our location since we had no internet or even phones (dead battery). Once back we had street food dinner. I tried the flat rice noodles and I thought I would tough it out and eat it with the normal spice. It was a fail. I couldn’t eat it. Instead I had ice cream for dinner. Right now I am sitting at a table with the young look-alike of Christian Bale. Ha! I know some of you would love that! End of log.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 04:00:54 +0000

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