Day 2 Ive been sitting here in physics class for the past 2 - TopicsExpress


Day 2 Ive been sitting here in physics class for the past 2 minutes (walked in 3 minutes late) and Im already bored out of my mind, so heres a tutorial on marking. Marking is important because, if done correctly, it allows you to cover up a whole lot of field space (the entire break side). With a good mark, you also give the thrower greater pressure to throw the disc, generating more turnovers. Therefore, it makes sense that the mark is the hardest time you should work... If not for yourself, for your teammates that are working hard downfield. With that being said here are a few tips for a good mark: 1.) Stand on the balls of your feet. This lets you shuffle faster, and makes it easier to react to the thrower without lunging (lunging creates huge openings that throws can throw through or around). 2.) Rather than getting your hand in the way of the disc, try your best to get your entire body in front. This means that youll be shuffling pretty quickly, however, youre efforts will be worth it because you will be blocking the throw more effectively. 3.) Generally when we are forcing the flick side, it is a good idea to keep your left hand low, and your right hand high. Of course, the position of your hands should depend on where the thrower is holding the disc.... However, most D-3 college players who think the are nice, will be looking for that inside out break option every time (even if theres an open cutter on the open side.... lol). 4.) Get low! By not locking your knees up and keeping your feet pointed forward you will gain more mobility, allowing you to shuffle and follow the disc faster. 5.) Despite popular belief, its actually a better idea to keep your arms closer to you than too far. By doing this, it allows your to swing your arms back and forth faster, and allows you to react to the thrower faster. Try this as a quick experiment. Stand up, stretch your arms out as far as possible, and try to move your arms up and down as fast as you can (like youre marking some one). Now try putting your arms closer to your body and moving them up and down. Much easier right? 6.) Take a step back from the thrower. If you are marking way too tightly, then you risk the chance of a foul call, and can also get easily broken. Give them enough space to move around, but be tight enough to take away the throwers options. 7.) When your man (or woman) catches the disc, listen for strike calls. It is very important to do this, as it may block a potential deep throw/easy goal. By marking straight up for the first second (facing the thrower with your back to your endzone), you take away the first deep look (this is called the power position), which is generally the most dangerous one. Thats all! Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions, or want help with your marks or throws. Have a nice weekend yall.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:02:31 +0000

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