Day 21 Protective Edge: (Forgive the length as this day was very - TopicsExpress


Day 21 Protective Edge: (Forgive the length as this day was very eventful) After a relative calm during the morning hours,where only few missiles were fired towards Israel, Hamas resumed its intensive launch of missiles, from south to north. IDF Air Force resumed air strikes as a response to the insistent firing, and fierce fire clashes resumed as well, and are ongoing at this moment. Over 170000 displaced Gaza civilians are currently in UN Rehabilitation facilities, and it is presumed that this number will rise dramatically as tonight, the IDF has forewarned residents of 3 more neighborhoods in Gaza to evacuate their homes,and move into Gaza city,in order to remove civilians from the lines of fire. Two events occurred tonight which intensified the hostilities: 1- Misfired missiles by Hamas, directed towards Israel, landed in Shifaa hospital area, as well as in a public park in Al- Shati refugee camp, reportedly killing 10 and having 40 casualties.Hamas claimed it was Israels airstrike but foreign reports proved the rocket remains are of Hamas arsenal, and the hits were at low altitude, suggesting it was not fired from above. 2- Mortar fire bombs directed at Israeli community killed 4 IDF soldiers, and wounding 6 others. Shortly after that, 5 terrorists, dressed as IDF soldiers,which created confusion of identification, penetrated the Israeli community zone around the Gaza strip via the tunnel city . After ferocious fighting with IDF ground troops, one was killed and others fled back to the Gaza strip. More tunnels were discovered and some neutralized. Riots and clashes between Palestinians and Police forces continue in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Riots and Anti Israel demonstrations around the world, including antisemitism acts in Italy, Belgium and France. In the USA, protesters burn Israeli flag at a San Francisco rally, and Swastika painted on a synagogue in Miami. Diplomatic front: a roller coaster day, ending in escalations as written above. At first, the UN Security Council called upon all sides to cease hostilities and form an unconditional and immediate humanitarian ceasefire, in light of the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. PM Netaniahu, in a phone call with UN Sec General, Ban Ki-Moon, criticized the Councils decision, claiming that it disregards Hamas targeting of Israeli civilians, as well as turning Gaza residents into human shields. In his address to the nation tonight PM Netaniahu reiterated that the main target of this operation is to retrieve the sense of security for all Israeli civilians, who currently live under terror of rockets and death tunnels. He claimed that the operation will assure the disarmament of Hamas terror infrastructure,and mostly bthe tunnel city, and by reaching an international resolution that ensures just that point. Irani President, Ruhani, on a phone call with Prime Minister of Turkey, offered a meeting in order to discuss the need of cessation of the Israeli hostility. Palestinian President Abbas is trying to form a delegation including Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives, to meet with Egyptian leaders. So far, Israel not mentioned in any of these meetings. Obama/Cameron/Hollande/Merkel/Renzi in a conference call agree on the need for the ceasefire. So far, no concrete offer on the table, and a surprisingly quiet front from most Arab Countries.. Personal but critical remark:Where is the International community?? talking doesnt solve this... Thank you for reading this. Really. It gives me strength to carry on. More updates, as usual, tomorrow.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:02:52 +0000

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