#Day 6 Our earth is the only beautiful planet in our solar - TopicsExpress


#Day 6 Our earth is the only beautiful planet in our solar system.This is the only planet which have life.since 200 a.d.everything was good ,but since the development of human culture,cities and modern life style everything have been changed. Now man started behaving differently.Man started using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. And one of these example are the MSU students who practiced buying food using cellophane. We the student from marketing are aware of these, the only thing that we can contribute is by promoting the green marketing to discourage the students to use cellophane in buying food. Despite of the late post that we have still their are lots of students who support for the campaign. We promote plastic ware in buying/getting food @ SNBD Dorm. We use tarps and gave incentives to the first 15 people. We gave them an incentives around 05:40-06:30. A simple quote Gods creature we must preserve---SAVE MOTHER EARTH attached in a ball pen and also a snack is one of our incentives.Imagine if these students will cooperate in our campaign these could be a big help in up bringing our lives in saving the planet earth. We must work hand on hand from the customer-seller. And start within ourselves. Im so grateful to the store owner for allowing us to have this campaign and also to the students. We hope that this kind of activity will grasp them to continue using a plastic ware. We are looking forward to those students who will support for our campaign. Let may share this quote to you. There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.---Pocahantis. #30GreenMarketingDays #WorldClassDepartment #MarketingDepartment #BSBAEntrepreneurialMarketing #InternetMarketing
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:47:25 +0000

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