Day Two of vacation and Day Two of my self-inflicted Positivity - TopicsExpress


Day Two of vacation and Day Two of my self-inflicted Positivity Challenge. 1. I am thankful to be a human being. Compared to the rest of the creatures on the planet, being a human is pretty good. Animals start the day with two thoughts - find something to eat before starvation sets in, and dont get eaten for supper by a larger animal. (Actually those are my thoughts also). An earthworms only wish is to not be impaled on a fish hook. That happened to a few worms here yesterday when Dad took Jayden fishing. The five trout that Jayden caught had an even worse day than the worms. Its better being a person. 2. I am thankful for paper. Tissue paper, wrapping paper, newspaper, toilet paper, its all good. And in a jam, the first three types of paper can be used if you do not have access to the fourth. 3. I am thankful for pure uncut Looney Tunes cartoons. I was channel surfing one day and came upon the Bugs Bunny show. Sahara Hare was starting, one of my favourites. In this one, Yosemite Sam is an Arab and he tries to get his camel to stop by yelling WHOA MULE!!!!. The camel wont stop and Sam smashes it over the head with his rifle. (Yosemite Sam has anger management issues). When the time came for Sam to bash the camel, it never happened. One second he was on the camel yelling WHOA MULE!!!! and then he was standing on the sand saying Thatll learn ya. (Sam also has poor grammar). I was shocked. What chance do todays children have if they cannot handle a little cartoon violence? Here is the original version, let the kids watch if you dare. The Rifle Smashed over the Camels Head scene is at 1:51. WARNING: later in the cartoon, Sam repeatedly smacks an elephants butt with a board. youtube/watch?v=X4115NGKdDA
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:56:34 +0000

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