Dear Ascension Pioneers! There is a lot of opening to our - TopicsExpress


Dear Ascension Pioneers! There is a lot of opening to our multidimensional Self unfolding Now. After the Solstice, there were many Grand openings all over the planet. We felt them as the awakening and rebirthing of our own inner Source Vortex. When the dimensions are colliding and merging, we might feel like in between realms. This is actually a completely normal process, and during this time, we might feel and see things that we normally do not. Our senses become really heightened and we might even become more sensitive and nostalgic than usual. Why? Remember that our physical Ascension journey is all about anchoring the dimension of our Higher Being/Existence/Home and bringing it down into this present existence Now. We are here to grow and expand in Love, and with each expansion, there is another unveiling and opening of our multilayered Self occurring. This might come as flashes, memories, glimpses and knowings of the potential and the worlds beyond this current one. This is all so natural to us, when we live in our awakening state of Being. But the important part is not to get lost in those memories, glimpses and awakened senses. Why? Because its all about conscious integration. We are only awakening so that we can ground Heaven on Earth here, not to engage in forms of escapism and so. We are here as Pillars, lighthouses and bridges of the New. We know that we are grounded in our experiences when we use the knowledge that these bring us and extend it in our loving service to the planet and all of its inhabitants.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:03:40 +0000

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