Dear Donald Sterling, It is my hope that you dont sale the - TopicsExpress


Dear Donald Sterling, It is my hope that you dont sale the Clippers. This aint about Ownership, this about forcing men to understand, accept and use their POWER. If the Clippers would have sat down, the Nation would have stood up! Thank You Donald Sterling, FORCE these men to stand up for their dignity and humanity, sometimes we are forced into GREATNESS by our most stubborn enemy. I hope you have decided that you are too old to change and decide to go down with the ship!! The real questions is whether there is enough courage in your workers to cause a MUTINY to take the ship down! #LetsGoPeople, Dear Players, Sometimes You have to fight YOUR own battles, you cant expect the Commissioner, the Sponsors or even the Media to be your Surrogate!!! This battle is for the Black Men running up and down the court in the NBA! You missed the moment ONCE, very seldom do you get a 2nd Chance to change the Trajectory of History. I hope Sterling gives you another chance to Stand Up ... so your children can say, Look what my Daddy did! .... PLEASE stand and let Men and Women around this country in oppressive systems know that It is more important to die on your feet than live on your knees ... even for a couple Million ... Make history .. Make a difference rather than a making a check! History is on your side!! Please Stand for something besides the National Anthem!!!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 22:56:58 +0000

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