Dear Facebook, I have a daughter, 2 in fact. I also recently - TopicsExpress


Dear Facebook, I have a daughter, 2 in fact. I also recently heard the popular song Rude. Thankfully I heard an awesome fathers response in the form of a parody song to it. I love that Dad. And I despise that boyfriend. I cant fathom some guy showing up and just expecting me to hand over my daughter to him because he asked for it much like he demanded his mother to buy him every toy they walked past at the store. His response is equally disturbing. Why you gotta be so rude? I mean, why cant you just hand over something thats priceless, something you spent years pacing the floor holding so she could go to sleep. Sure, youve invested your time, money, and heart into her but I WANT her. I want to use her body at night and flash it off during the day. I kinda like talking to her, too. So if you have tried this approach let me explain to you why it wont work. First, you show up my door with your friends. This lets me know this isnt a private sacred affair to you that your willing to take whatever amount of time it may require. Your codependent on your friends and vice versus. This worries me if your involved with my daughter because I know your friends will be involved in your relationship way to much and way too close. And as a side note your all in a old car which tells me two things. Your are all so broke you had to carpool in an old car. You also consider this an event for your amusement. Not good, boys. Not good at all. You show up in jeans, a t shirt and leather jacket. You look like you dont take care of your car, let alone your nails and hair. And I am supposed to trust you will take care of my daughter? You have already proven you cant. I know, I know. Your love is the kind of love that will move mountains and enable you to become a man who will provide, protect and cherish my daughter. My concern is that you think love enables you to do this. It wont. Never has, never will. Self-discipline is probably more of what your looking for. It requires time and work. Thats how I ended up with such an awesome daughter that you think your entitled to for taking. Love is a fancy and a feeling. Love on its own is a ticking bomb. It will destroy everything in its path, its that powerful. It opens the doorway to hearts. And the prevailing idea is that on the other side of that door is wide open spaces and freedom. In reality on the other side of that door is a room filled with with breakable glass emotions that are only preserved by self-discipline. Your misconception that you should be able to run through this door with arms wide open and eyes closed scares me to death. You see, I have been in this room since it was first created. I felt her every hurt deeper then she did and I knew the reason behind her tears when they were still a mystery to her. I have been in this room when it was painful, I have been in this room when it was lonely. I have been in this room and experienced joy and pride you cannot yet fathom and your immature accusation that I am being rude will not cause my leave. You have not yet earned the right to even peer into the into the keyhole. And make no mistake, I hold that key. You want to really know how to win my daughters heart? Spend time with me. I am in it for the long haul with her and if you mean it when you say you are to then I am the person you want to know and win over. When my husband and I were dating and he wanted to marry me he asked my father first. But before he did we talked about what if my dad said No. We agreed if my dad said no we would honor it. We also agreed we would ask how Dennis could work toward and attain a yes from him. Men and boys alike, dont bother to ask if your not aware and able to respect a No. Belive it or not I really am pulling for your success because I really want me daughter marry someone who loves her and can do hard things. I will help you if you let me. The other option is a lifetime of pain. Oh yeah, Im that good. In a breakable room, Jenny
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:15:03 +0000

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