Dear Fellow Students of the Ageless Wisdom, Quite a few of us - TopicsExpress


Dear Fellow Students of the Ageless Wisdom, Quite a few of us have been studying the Ageless Wisdom for many years. In doing so we have realized how important it is to understand the seven rays if we are to understand ourselves. But understanding the rays that apply to our nature is not an easy task. This is evident to anyone who has tried to determine the ray chart of his or her energy system. Over the years we have tried to provide you with tools to help you in your quest. First came the Personal Identity Profile, the PIP. After careful statistical analysis, the PIP was improved and became PIP II. A few thousand people have taken these ‘tests’ (really character inventories) and have learned a great deal more about themselves and their possible rays. But until this point it has never been possible for us to produce a testing instrument that could indicate which rays conditioned which of the vehicles of the human energy system. With the TARA (the Transpersonal Astro-Rayological Analysis) we have moved closer to achieving this desirable objective. Recently we have completed the first version of the TARA. It is a very thorough and comprehensive inventory of the human energy system, and focuses upon determining the rays of each of the personality vehicles, the ray of personality, the rays of the soul, and also the higher rays of the spiritual triad and Monad. We have been told that taking the TARA is a profound experience in spiritual Self-exploration. We all know how difficult it is to determine one’s rays and how many years it can take before one reaches any degree of assurance. The TARA is intended to drastically shorten this process. As well, the TARA will help you think about the higher reaches of your energy system—important subjects that most students of the Ageless Wisdom have not known how to approach. While taking the TARA is an intensive and somewhat demanding process, we are confident that by doing so you will enter into a more profound understanding of your rays. We feel that this type of understanding has not been possible using our earlier ray-testing instruments and other instruments of which we are aware. We feel that every serious student of the Ageless Wisdom will want to plunge into the TARA Process (yes, we call it a “Process”) to gain more certainty about the ray energies which condition his or her energy system and the ways these rays can be applied in service. We therefore invite you to be among those pioneering, adventuring souls who will take the TARA, and enter more deeply into an understanding of the conditioning esoteric energies. First take the PIP II, if you have not done so. This will give you the necessary orientation to understand, in general, the ray energies most available to you. Then, spend the time—which could be two or three weeks—necessary to take the TARA. We are confident that you will not be sorry you did so! To get started the TARA requires you to first take the PIP II at: PIPIIonline Once you complete the PIP II, the next time you login you will see the word, “TARA”, on the right side menu. Selecting “TARA” will then bring you to the TARA Home Page. It is suggested that you read it, than select the “Read First” button. (You could try the TARA menu on the right, but you will quickly find that until you register for the TARA many of the items will not work.) Since you already have registered for the PIP II, the registration for the TARA simply requires that you read three short articles: 1. “Letter of Introduction.” 2. “Importance of Meditation when Taking the TARA.” 3. “Practical Matters.” Then click on the “Confirmation that all of the above has been read” button and you’re almost done. You will then see a page where you are asked again to confirm you have read the articles. Additionally, you’re provided with a direct method of logging into the TARA. Clicking the “Confirm” button will lead you to the “Module Options” page, which is where you will be starting each and every module. The TARA, being a pioneering adventure, has included some other changes to the PIPIIonline website. Those include: · the addition of a fourth instrument, the Self Search, developed by James Davis it offers an experimental blending interpretation of two of your more important rays. · minor changes to the Spectrum Profiler, which is a subset of the original PIP; the statements in the Spectrum Profiler are designed for easy reading. The Spectrum Profiler includes a one or two day workshop that can be used by you to aid in the answering of the question “What is esoteric philosophy or the Ageless Wisdom?” · Even though we have four instruments available to you, we have changed to one login for all four. We have done this so that it’s easier for you to move between the instruments, but also so we will be in a position to use the information from all of the instruments to aid in our statistical, scientific inquiries intended to help us improve these instruments over time. Most of you know that we are entering the Aquarian Age, an Age which will be built more on science than faith. We see the TARA, and the PIP II, as forerunners to instruments that will lead to the scientific acceptance of the rays and the various subtle vehicles of the human being’s energy system. We trust that when you emerge ‘victorious’ from the TARA Process J, and after you study your results, you will be in a far better position to use your energy equipment to serve humanity in the way best suited to you. The power and effectiveness of your discipleship will increase and you will be in a far better position to recognize and utilize the seven rays in many aspects of living. Encouraging your participation in this pioneering spiritual work, In Light, Love and Power, Michael Robbins and Rick Good—Creators of the TARA
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:30:12 +0000

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