Dear Friends, Family, Dear Ones, This is a Winter Solstice - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Family, Dear Ones, This is a Winter Solstice gathering from my beloved, honorable, and Soul-Filled Teachers and Mentors Camille and Lorin. I am so excited to share this with you. It will indeed be a time of sacred celebration and honoring the season. I hope you can join in delight. This is truly my favorite natures gift to celebrate. Sending love through out this season, Cindy Harpe Hively Solstice Global Telegathering and Meditation Ritual Join us for a soulful Solstice journey guided by Camille Maurine, author of Meditation Secrets for Women. In community with men and women around the world, we honor this seasonal turning point of Nature ~ Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, Summer Solstice in the southern ~ and its gifts of darkness and light. Dr. Lorin Roche will share readings from The Radiance Sutras, his luminous translation of an ancient yoga text. There is no charge for this event. The timing of our telegathering allows us to be together before and during the exact moment of the Solstice. In the midst of Hanukkah and before Christmas and the New Year, this meditation ritual is a powerful way to celebrate the sacred, begin to complete the year with love, and consciously initiate a new cycle of life. Camille and Lorin are inspired to be with you soon. You may participate live via phone, webinar, or Skype. The event will also be recorded, so if you are not able join on the Solstice, you can always listen to the replay later. Registration is required in advance so that we can make sure enough lines are available for all. Please let us know where you are located on Planet Earth! Register Now! events.r20.constantcontact/register/event?oeidk=a07ea9xwkqs30461b02&llr=qewlmwbab&utm_source=CURRENTS+12+11+14&utm_campaign=Currents+12+12+14&utm_medium=email
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:09:43 +0000

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