Dear Friends, Starting today with the New Moon in Aries and all - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Starting today with the New Moon in Aries and all through April and beyond, we can expect some most peculiar and very strange days, indeed (to paraphrase John Lennon). Why? To begin with, we’re revving up for our bi-annual eclipse season which kicks off with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 14th within hours of Transformer Pluto’s stationing retrograde for the next five months. We might feel as if time is standing still—or even that we’re being blown out of linear time by explosive or shocking events—hopefully witnessed on CNN—and not right at our backdoor. We may be in for an accelerating rollercoaster-type ride—so make sure your seatbelts are securely fastened, seats in an upright position and tray tables stowed away. For, while all Eclipse seasons ramp up the intensity of whatever is going on for at least six months to a year and make us feel as if as if every action we take has potentially major long-range consequences—because it does—this month’s eclipses may be extra-specially disconcerting because: On April 21st, we’ll be experiencing newly retrograde structure-annihilating Pluto and trickster of awakening Uranus forming the fifth of seven challenging squares. This means that April’s eclipse cycle is setting the tone through 2015 and beyond in “encouraging” us to awaken to our True Nature through shake, rattling and rollin’ all that we’re still clinging to with any illusions of safety, security and control—personally and en masse. Oh, but there is so much more: From April 20th-23rd, we’ll be experiencing a rare cardinal grand-cross with Mars RX in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries and Jupiter opposing Pluto. And the grand cross energies begin to be triggered today by the Sun and Moon in Aries, and continue to be triggered as Mercury moves into Aries on April 7th. The good news is that benevolent Jupiter is full steam ahead and exalted in Cancer, giving us the sustaining hope that whatever we’re witnessing on the world stage is part of the necessary breaking down of structure to allow more Light in. So, no matter how potentially explosive events may seem—be they man-made or nature–made or most probably a mix of the two—our challenge will be in maintaining faith and equanimity by holding to these truths: I. The nature of our Being is eternal. II. Heart-centered bonds with loved ones transcend linear space and time. III. Everything else is ultimately just “stuff” that comes and goes.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:55:26 +0000

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