Dear Friends, Thank you for all your worries... but we are happy - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, Thank you for all your worries... but we are happy to tell you that we are fine We are still alive... and we are still human beings... and we are still resisting through existing on our land. Despite all these tons of bombs on Gaza by the illegal Israeli occupation, and all these human beings killed and all these houses destroyed and all the mosques and hospitals demolished... we are still fine I will not put numbers and figures... I will not make it easy for you to reduce those innocent people killed unjustly into numbers and figures and age categories... I will not blackmail your emotions and beg for your tears... I will not deprive each martyr from his/her own humanity and beauty... I will not deprive each home destroyed from its privacy and specificity and its own intimate memories... the smell of the food, the joyful screams of the children and their tears, the whispers of love and the foot prints of the children running around... The smell of the freshly washed clothes hanging on a rope in front of the house or on the roof to dry in the sun. We are doing fine, despite the complicity of a world which lost its values, and despite the carelessness of its leaders, Arabs, Muslims or others alike as if Palestinians were aliens and as if Gaza is not worthy of even looking at.... We are fine, despite this poisoned media talking about fighting terrorism and want to uproot Hamas from Gaza... as if collective punishment is permitted against all, as if every Palestinian is guilty by nature... and it does not bother them if it is a legitimate right to resist occupation, oppression and violation by every mean available, armed or non-armed.... We are here to tell you that we are here... and we are fine with it... we have no other place, no other space, no open borders to cross, no open seas to flee, and no open air to fly... and even if there were those possibilities we will stay... because simply there is no place like home... We are here to tell you that we are fine... and we are thankful to all those who have shown their solidarity and demonstrated in the streets against this illegal and barbaric apartheid Israeli occupation... you human beings from all around the world whatever your color or ethnicity or religion is... Thank you sisters and brothers in humanity for standing for rights and values... Thanks for all those who wrote a word, who shed a tear, who shouted loud their solidarity, who made a prayer, and have a thought for all the victims of this terrorism of this illegal Israeli occupation. History will keep the records for the just and unjust... and we will remember those who stood for what is right and what is just... and all others we will not worry about, because they will not deserve any place in our thoughts and minds... Thank you for asking about us, thank you for your worries... thank you for being the human beings you are in such inhuman circumstances...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 13:01:53 +0000

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