Dear Friends, terrywahls/ Do you have this risk factor for - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends, terrywahls/ Do you have this risk factor for developing memory problems? More and more, research shows that diets that require a lot of insulin – those that contain a lot of sugar, white flour, and/or potatoes—increase the risk of early memory problems. This is why I advise my patients and followers to monitor their blood sugar and carbohydrate intake closely. There are several studies that show that carrying more weight around your middle is associated with a smaller brain and more problems with your thinking ability. That’s another terrific reason to eat greens, sulfur, color, grass-fed meat, organ meat, and seaweed! I have had many overweight followers report that, after adopting the Wahls Diet™, they lost weight and saw their blood sugar and blood pressure improve, all without feeling chronically hungry! If weight is a problem for you or someone in your family, the Wahls Diet™ is a valuable tool that can help you achieve a healthy weight and protect your brain at the same time! I will be speaking on July 9 about this very topic. Register to attend this lecture in Iowa City, entitled Food, Weight, Hunger, here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research Update I want to update you on all the wonderful things we have been able to do with the funds donated to the Wahls Research Fund and Wahls Foundation. First, we have been able to add many laboratory assessments to better understand the potential mechanisms behind the changes we are seeing. These labs include a stool test using a DNA probe to determine which bacteria, yeasts, and parasites are living in the bowels; a urine test to examine what heavy metals are excreted in the urine; and a detailed biochemical analysis of the blood and urine to understand the nutritional status of the study subjects. In addition, we have been able to hire another full-time research assistant and more nutritionist support for the study. Having these additional tests and resources will increase the rigor of the research we are doing and improve the papers we will write and submit to scientific journals. A hearty thank you to all who are supporting our work by making donations to the Wahls Research Fund and/or purchasing books and lecture materials, which also supports the research. You can make your donation here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Update The release date for THE WAHLS PROTOCOL has been scheduled for March 13, 2014! We have submitted the manuscript and are now in the process of doing revisions with the editorial staff. Very exciting stuff! It will be an excellent resource to learn how to maximize your health, containing a lot of new information, including inspiring stories from others, menu plans, and much more specific guidance on how to implement the many new concepts. Minding My Mitochondria also contains a lot of other terrific guidance on how you can improve your health and vitality right now, and it will only be available until the end of August! I encourage you to keep both volumes in your library, as together they provide a full picture of how to enjoy optimal health. After all–a healthy brain is priceless! If you buy MINDING MY MITOCHONDRIA now, you can use the receipt number to receive many useful free digital gifts, including lectures and papers from other authors, to thank you for your purchase. Remember, I donate half of the profits from my book and lecture sales to support the Wahls Research Fund and The Wahls Foundation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herb Salad ¼ cup of fresh herbs minced per person Leaf lettuce or spinach Greens are in abundance now that it is summer. I like to pick a handful of fresh herbs such as savory, thyme, parsley, rosemary, oregano, fennel, dill, chives, or cilantro and add them to my salad. I choose a couple of herbs, mince them finely, and sprinkle over salad greens. Then in a jar, I mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and flax oil and shake for the salad dressing. Rotate through a variety of greens and a variety of herbs for the greatest health benefits! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help grow our community by spreading the word! Forward this newsletter to your friends and family and follow The Wahls Foundation on Facebook. Remember our health is determined not by our physicians, but by our food choices and how we choose to spend our days. If you have questions or comments about the newsletter, please contact me through my website. In health, Dr. Terry Wahls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The statements and products shown on this newsletter and on my website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 19:30:42 +0000

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