Dear God: As we celebrate what humanity has set aside as the day - TopicsExpress


Dear God: As we celebrate what humanity has set aside as the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, I would like to request a few things. Somewhere there are people who are hungry on this day, would you send a blessing to them as you did on the day that you fed the 5,000. Somewhere there are people who are unsaved and dont believe in Jesus, would you offer them at least one more time a dipper of the living water of salvation. Somewhere there are people who feel that they need to end their lives, who are experiencing extreme grief and loneliness that are being bombarded by thoughts of suicide, Father, I ask that the set about them a hedge of protection around their minds that satan cannot penetrate. Somewhere there are people who have been suffering from sickness, and infirmities, Father, I ask for a healing touch that you gave to many as you did the woman with the issue of blood, the lame man, the blind man, the deaf man, and those who were possessed by demons. Somewhere there are parents who are experiencing the sorrow of their family being divided by various enticements from the world, a parent is crying for their child/children and their spouse to come home, Father, I ask for your divine intervention in these lives and homes. Father, I ask for a deliverance from those things of the world and in the world that is causing the souls of man to turn away from the Godly principles that were established for us through your Divine Word. Father, I worship your Son for what He has done for me, that He gave His life that I might be set free. Free that I dont have to die, but to live eternally. Salvation that conquers the enticements of sin, and the end result is the gift that awaits me when my soul is called home with Him to ever be. I am thankful for the Birth of Christ on this day. May your day be filled with the true Blessings of God that can not be brought from a store, or manufactured by man. May the lives of many be changed forever more on this day.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:06:15 +0000

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