Dear Jivoli Patrons and Friends, As the working year draws to a - TopicsExpress


Dear Jivoli Patrons and Friends, As the working year draws to a close and the festive season arrives upon us at a rapid pace ( even though we’ve all had a whole year of warning and anticipation!) , I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a heartfelt and sincere thank you. Without each and every one of you continuing to support and encourage us, financially as Customers and emotionally as Friends, we wouldnt still be trading. It’s been a tough year for all of us as our economy has spiraled downwards and remains in a negative mode, but I believe that JIVOLI is riding this wave with positivity and a fighting spirit. When the purse strings are tight and we are faced with financial obstacles and decisions, it humbles me that you choose here. Many of you have taken our plight on board and consciously remained loyal and supportive. Many of you have gone above and beyond the regular realms of being a customer and have offered the hand of friendship, there are no words to express what this means to me… Jivoli really is a community hub and my children and staff equally appreciate that youve all made this happen. I would further like to take this opportunity to thank the unsung heroes… there are a thousand cogs behind the scenes that contribute to the smooth running of Jivoli, many that I am either physically or practically, unable to turn myself… I have a whole team of very special people who give up their own time ( for no financial gain or recognition ) to help me with repairs, maintenance and general upkeep…you are too many to mention ( and to be honest you probably don’t want me to!) but you all know who you are and I will be eternally grateful…. thank you with every ounce of gratitude I possess. So…. For the first time in four years I have made the decision to spend quality valuable time with my fabulous, supportive children. We live in a very dark world at the moment and time spent with our loved ones has no monetary value. In order to do this, Jivoli will be closed for the Festive Season and the first week of the New Year…. We promise to return with vigour and continuing enthusiasm! I wholeheartedly hope each and every one reading this, has a most joyous and wonderful Christmas and I wish you every great thing for the year ahead that I wish for myself… Take very good care of yourselves and each other, until next year….. Much love, Pam xx
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:48:10 +0000

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