Dear Marathon Training – This weekend you brought me a 12 mile - TopicsExpress


Dear Marathon Training – This weekend you brought me a 12 mile run through the streets of Brooklyn. Well, 12 ½ if you factor in getting lost midway through. One minute I was on Atlantic Avenue and the next . . . well, hello East New York! As I ran past the many, MANY auto repair shops and vacant lots with overgrown weeds and abandoned cars, I thought, “Yeah, this is how horror movies start.” And while I was trying to find my way back on course without adding an additional 67 miles, I thought of the first time I ever went running. I was 20, and my friend Dana absolutely nagged the crap out of me to run with her before a rehearsal one night. We ran – and I use that term very loosely – around a school yard that couldn’t have been an 1/8 of a mile. And I think I ran a 22 minute pace. Or so it seemed. Dana kept nagging me to run before each rehearsal. God love her, she was like a pit bull. But, 25 years later, I’m now doing half-marathons as training runs :o) It made me realize that we never really know the impact we have on those in our lives. Seemingly insignificant things can telescope outward and have effects we can’t possibly imagine at the time. All the more reason to be kind and generous and present. What we do matters. So in a word – thanks, Dana :o) See you soon, Marathon Training… Cristina
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:59:05 +0000

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