Dear Patriot, Newly re-elected New Jersey Governor Chris - TopicsExpress


Dear Patriot, Newly re-elected New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, previously the surrogate of Mitt Romney in 2012, has taken up the standard of Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Of course, weeks ago, Christie was asked to appear at a campaign rally with Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, but Christie refused. He was worried about his brand. Ken Cuccinelli was outspent by his Democratic opponent, but he barely lost. With a little more effort, and a little more funding by the GOP, the Republican Party might have held the governors office in Virginia. Instead, because Ken Cuccinelli was linked to the Tea Party, the GOP let him languish while Democrats pounded the airwaves with attack ads. Chris Christie could have gone down to Virginia and helped out, but he was worried about his brand and being associated with a Tea Party Republican. What brand is this that Chris Christie has to protect? Its the type of brand pushed by Mitt Romney and Michael Bloomberg, the Republicanism that tells you you have to buy private insurance covering procedures you dont need, the kind of ideology that says the government can regulate the size of your soda, and its completely inimical to conservatism. Its the kind of cognitive dissonance that says you shouldnt be able to choose a Big Gulp on the one hand, but its perfectly OK for an employee of a small business to dress in a disruptive way. Thats why Chris Christie is traipsing down to South Carolina to campaign for Lindsey Graham: theyre the same brand. Theyre for climate control, gun control, and the kind of control that says the government can surveil your private communications and interactions. Thats not the brand South Carolina wants its Senator standing for, is it? Its not what you want, either. This is what were up against: a GOP establishment that would rather let Steve Lonegan and Ken Cuccinelli lose by a little than win, because their brand is antithetical to real conservatism. If the GOP establishment cant win on their own terms, theyre fine with a Democrat winning instead. Why? Because the Democrat is closer to their brand. This is the race were in, because it affords us and you the best chance of sending a message to the GOP establishment about their brand and where they can shove it. Sincerely, Jay Batman Director, Research and Messaging Western Representation PAC
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 06:14:12 +0000

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