Dear State of New Jersey, I humbly request you consider changing - TopicsExpress


Dear State of New Jersey, I humbly request you consider changing the name of one of your state parks. You see, today my nephew and I spent a lovely Fall morning shooting pictures at Paterson Falls. We traversed mossy paths, steep ancient steps, slopes and hills, snapping over two hundred photos of birds, rainbows caught in the rising mist of the waterfalls, and the rush of white water over vertical rock. The only other human was a young man in a hoodie with a face as chisled and interesting as the stone formations. I wanted to photograph him as well, but he was not a willing participant, even though our eyes crossed paths more than once. My nephew and I left the falls and walked the narrow pavement back to the car park. We had to walk single file as to let by oncoming pedestrians. My foot caught the edge of a broken sidewalk, twisting my ankle and propelling my rather large body forward. My camera flew out of my hands, ahead of my nephew. By the time he turned around, I levitated and landed in a slow motion skid-bounce-skid, braced only by the palms of my hands. My nephew was slack-jawed; torn between amusement and concern. Two Burka-clad women asked if I was okay, and a man with a gold capped smile offered to call me an ambulance. I sat there for a while pondering my bloodied palms, swollen ankle and throbbing knee, when the hoodie guy from the park appeared from nowhere, and offered to help me up. Together, he and my nephew got me to my hobbling feet and then he took off with my "Thank you" following him like a shadow. We think the park should now be called Aunt Nancy Falls. Sincerely, Aunt Nancy
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 01:45:17 +0000

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