Dear Suicidal Teens, I just wanna say this to anybody that’s - TopicsExpress


Dear Suicidal Teens, I just wanna say this to anybody that’s ever attempted suicide or self-harmed; I love you. Don’t listen to what other people say. It’s either their opinion or your opinion. If their opinion of you is affecting how you see yourself then get them out of your life. Block them from the world with music. At least, that’s what helps me. Just don’t let them affect your whole life. Truth is, twenty years from now either you’re not going to remember them or they’re not gonna remember you unless mentioned. Are you going to let bullies take control of your life? Are you going to hurt yourself (or continue to) just because someone said to? It’s like the old saying, “If so-and-so jumped off a bridge, would you?” Just because someone tells you to slit your wrists or hang yourself or whatever the threat is you’re going to do it? Please, please, please don’t. If you think the world would be a better place without you, well, you’re wrong. The world is a brighter place with you. No matter whether it’s your mom, dad, sister, brother, dog, cat, guinea pig, turtle (idfk), they’re gonna miss you. They need you. Your dog needs you. You probably have the responsibility of feeding it everyday because you may the only one home. If you’re not there to do it, who will? Here’s an example. A story.It’s the day after you’ve killed yourself. Your suicide note simply said, “Nobody cares.” Your little sister walks into your room to see you “sleeping” in your bed. She shakes your shoulder and screams, “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” No reply. She turns over your body and screams loudly when she sees your pale face. She starts to cry when she sees your suicide note. But nobody cares, right?Your mother walks into your room and stares at your body. She calls your father from work but he doesn’t answer. Your older brother wakes up because of the commotion. He walks into your room and asks what happened. Your mother breaks down in tears, unable to explain. Your sister whispers, “Dead..” He breaks down. But, still, nobody cares, right?At your funeral everyone is in tears. Your older brother makes a speech about how much he misses you. About how sorry he is about everything he’d ever done to you. Your mother makes a speech, too. About how sorry she is about how hard she was on you about your grades and responsibilities at home. Your father makes a speech. About how he judged you for liking the music you did. About how he knew you cut yourself and made fun of you for it. Your friends from school go up and share pictures of the things you did together. They tell stories about every single picture. They weep and sit back in their seats.Everyone cries, but nobody cares, right?A week later, the news has traveled at your school. That kid that used to call you ugly? He blames it all on himself.The girl that used to steal your lunch money because she had none? She blames herself. Your ex? They blame his/herself for leaving you. Everyone who’d every done something horrible; said anything rude; tripped you in the hallway; hid your gym clothes after class; they blame it on themselves. But nobody cares, right?A month after your incident your family still hasn’t gone in your room. They’ve been meaning to clean in out but never had the nerve to. Finally, your little sister opens the door a crack and then steps in. She sees the sheets still in the crumpled mess they were when they took your body out of it. She curls up in them and weeps. She’s only twelve years old but already depressed. She searches through your wooden bureau and finds your razors. She takes one to her wrist and watches the blood hit the floor. It’s her first time self-harming, but she did it for you. Nobody cares, right?Your father leaves your mom, sister, and brother after he cheated on your mom while he was drunk. Everyone in your family has become depressed, except your mother, who has stayed strong somehow. Your brother has attempted suicide twice since the incident. Your sister has 127 scars altogether. She has been clean for a week, though. Nobody cares, right?All right, I’m done. I can’t go on writing that. But don’t you see? People care. Although you think no one does, they do. If you’ve read this far I congratulate you. Thank you. I love you. Don’t harm yourself. I. Freaking. Love. You. Stay strong. Stay beautiful. Never give in. -ok i stole this from tumblr ~CiaraXx
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 06:06:13 +0000

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