Dear Teachers, This current year will be my last one in the - TopicsExpress


Dear Teachers, This current year will be my last one in the public education system. I’ve spent the last nine months training to be a life coach…which is something I’ve wanted to do for YEARS. Literally. I didn’t think it was even possible for me to pursue that kind of work (is that even a real job?), much less a wise choice in terms of gainful employment, so I avoided saying yes to myself for a long time. The truth is that I didn’t have the courage to leave a stable career to become a fruit loop. But now that it’s happening, I totally love and respect the work - I even meditate every day! (I did not see that coming.) More important, I know that life coaching empowers me to serve in a way that’s completely aligned to who I am and how I want to be in the world. I might do nothing but paint my toenails and eat chocolate truffles for a full week once I’ve officially left school, but after that, what I’ll really be doing with my time is running a business. I’ve created a giant learning curve for myself: sales? marketing? liability insurance?? Oh my! (Again, I did not see that coming.) And thank goodness for the lessons on growth mindset! I’m getting the basic business pieces in place as I prepare for full coaching certification this summer. In the meantime, my favorite part of the work is talking with my beautiful, brave clients. I still pinch myself that they pay me (!) because I would totally coach for free if my husband weren’t in grad school or I didn’t need food and shelter. Actually, the truth is that one of my clearest lessons learned so far is that clients make bigger moves if they invest, so, ironically, it actually is of greater service for me to charge money for my work. After almost every session, upon ending the call, I’ve literally danced around my apartment like a complete lunatic because I’m having so much fun. (I did not see that coming, either.) My cat thinks I’m insane. The coaching process could be fairly described as inquiry encased in a boat-load of calm and love. If you’re not satisfied with any part of your life, I encourage you to try it. It actually works! Plus, I will always offer a special rate for teachers. Goodbye, public education. JC out.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:00:59 +0000

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