Dear Zane, I am writing to get views on a topic other than - TopicsExpress


Dear Zane, I am writing to get views on a topic other than relationships, hopefully someone can assist. I have a bachelors and masters degree, and I have yet to find the employment that everyone pushed me to believe I would obtain upon graduation. I personally know convicted felons who got obtained employment with benefits fresh out of prison..... no such luck for us college grads. I am thousands of dollars in debt thanks to student loans, living off government assistance and a $13 an hour job (that requires nothing more than a HS diploma!) while raising two children. I want to try my luck in another area, because I believe my location may have a lot to do with lack of suitable jobs/careers. However, making a big move alone with two children is scary and may not work like I want it to. But time is ticking, and although I have already ruined my financial life, I want so badly to do better so that I can leave them something other than my ridiculous debt. What would be the best move for a single mother? Step out on faith, knowing that dragging my kids along is risky? I kind of feel like we have nothing to lose at this point. MY RESPONSE: A lot of people become extremely successful when they dont have a damn thing to lose. Trust me, I speak from experience. This is the PERFECT time to step out on faith and do whatever you believe it will take to make something out of your life. Do your research, try to move someplace where you have some sort of support system to help watch the kids if need be, and make it happen. Things could be worse but there is always room for improvement. I say do what you think makes sense and also start your own side business as well. A lot of college graduates feel the same way that you do but necessity is the mother of all inventions. Good luck.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:43:45 +0000

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