Dear readers, We have been receiving some questions from - TopicsExpress


Dear readers, We have been receiving some questions from readers about the religious affinity of SA. However before we answer, it is important for all to know contrary to popular belief, Spiritual cases are not racially nor religiously aligned. What this means is that a person can be spiritually imbalanced irregardless of his racial and religious belief. It does not mean that a Chinese or an Indian with belief in Taoism, Buddhism, Christ or Hindiusm make one totally immune to spiritual attacks by a “Bomoh” who is a Malay with a different belief system and vice versa.. Therefore spiritual matters transcend ethnicity and belief system. Therefore the difference is in the methodical way each of individual belief system and ethnicity handles its spiritual affairs. The perfect example is that a person from Malaysia can be charmed with Tibetan, Siamese, Witchcraft and others that we see in the many cases showed that spiritual attacks ignored international boundaries and religious belief. Similarly, since spiritual offenses transcend ethnicity and belief, it too does not need inter-ethnic nor inter-religious affinity to cleanse. As such if you hear of anyone telling you that only a Thai Acharn can clear a Siamese Hex or only a Christian Priest can exorcise demon’s or only a Muslim can remove Djinn’s. Please then stay away from such a person. The truth can only be seen by those having the experience of being afflicted by spiritual imbalance coming from many different sources. It must be known that evilness does not operate in religious nor racial confines. This is the basis that SA receives everyone in the need of help. It is done without segregating neither their racial disposition nor their religious belief. This is a very important concept to know and understand well. If one is afflicted by spiritual imbalance and could not be cured by own religious and ethnic practice, then it is no wrong to look for an alternate cure. There is a famous phrase that goes “It is said that God works in mysterious ways”. The only problem with that is if one indeed blindly groped at any random man that professed to be a Master and found a malevolent practitioner, he might be worse off than before. As such, it takes great care and some minor wisdom to know why you seek, who you seek, what you seek, where you seek and how they practice before deciding to consult in them. SA would like to share another important conception that Spiritual Aid cannot be learned from others. It is not like Martial Arts that can be a learned skill from any Master. It is not an ability that is gathered out of simple interest or intrigue. One cannot be trained to harness the pure ability. Rather spiritual strength is a granted ability from Heaven that “must not and cannot” be abused nor profit from. Therefore the big secret in having the wisdom to discern what is real is to see if the Spiritual Master takes any monetary or worldly rewards for the services. By rewards it includes if they have asked for it openly or kept silent and accepted red packets with monies or accepting donations or other material payments or in kinds and favours. Many of these “Masters” cleverly hides behind religious robes and the strength of old temple lineage. Most of them are very persuasive and utilize very convincing psychology and prey on human goodness to happily donate for a presuming good cause. While others have periodical practice that involves contribution of monies or selling of limited edition idols, enchanted items and talisman. Many shroud the acceptance of monies and kinds by masking it as building funds for centers and etc. Such a Master is clearly not the one authorized by Heavenly Edict for it has already broken the law of profiteering. As such what they practice is not the “Pure Spiritual” ability but is an “Alternate Spiritual” source. Charity is definitely a very virtuous deed that all of us must endeavor to do. However we still have to use our wisdom when we are doing such a virtuous act. Do the charity on what u can see and that is wisdom of doing charity. Contribution of monies and kinds to what you cannot see despite how beautiful and convincing are just money laundering scheme. You are just encouraging a legalized con job and we leave you to count the merits you will eventually gain from that. Remember to have wisdom when being charitable. To buy food and hand it personally to a hungry peasant, to help a poor child to an education, to help our own poor friends and relatives and put food into their mouth, to buy a crutch for a handicap person, to pay for a proper funeral of a person dying without a next of kin. Those are examples of charities that we can see. Personally, I would never consider giving any contribution to big societies, huge temples and centers that claims they are helping the needy. You will never know how much of the money went “lost in transit” or “evaporations rate”. Simple example is the recent typhoon “Haiyan” in The Philippines. True to humanity call, all “charitable” organization started a Haiyan fund drive. Volunteers can be seen daily in the wet market wearing their uniforms. Pamphlets printed and distributed in the shopping complexes and schools to disseminate the extent of damages and appeal for kindness. Even Airlines started collection boxes 20,000m in mid air. “Hundreds of Millions” in cold cash of charitable contribution was collected all over the world to help the victims. But may I ask just a very simple question, “Do you really know how much of those that eventually ended up in the hands of the true victims?” Wallah!!! More fruits for your further thoughts. Perhaps I have delve a little too deep into the subject which will take me a book or two to fully attempt. Believe this would suffice for now so that a good intention to explain spirituality will not emanate into confusion with sparkles erupting above your head…..hehehe just a lighter note to brighten up the heavy subject.. One last message from SA today is that. SA does not mean to solicit any visitations as we are not a temple group. SA is set up here originally to record the more interesting cases for posterity records and share this with the public. The intention is to spread the understanding of spiritualism for those whom are interested be it as a random story or for further understanding of spiritualism. We therefore do not and will not give you any instructional comments for questions asked about religion. We might just give you fruits for thoughts so that you may learn from your own intentions. Alas, if there is a very serious case of spiritual disturbance (we really meant the word SERIOUS) be it anywhere on earth. You have decided that no one can help anymore. Then we love to hear from you and help as approved by the Almighty. Private message us and we will evaluate and shortlist your case for consultation as necessary. Apologize that putting up our contacts publicly here is not an option as we are all volunteers with our own day job. We do treasure a peaceful night of sleep undisturbed by hundreds of calls from netizen. With the above understanding, we would like to make it known that Taoism is the main core of SA under the patronage of Jade Emperor (Chinese: 玉皇; pinyin: Yù Huáng or 玉帝, Yù Dì) sanctioning spiritual cultivation under the “Mandate of Heavenly Deities”. We are physically located in Penang, Malaysia. Wishing you a Happy New Year and may you have great spiritual health - SA Editorial Team
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 03:48:48 +0000

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