Dear so loved brethren: I have this to testify to you...that I - TopicsExpress


Dear so loved brethren: I have this to testify to you...that I used to listen to the likes of Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, the list goes on and on as I too supported, with funds, TBN :( so this is my story, snap shot... I thought I was doing well, listening to these false teachers, yes...that is what they are :( I realized more and more, even contemplating today, I NEVER dealt with my sin, truly...I was never really motivated to read Gods Word for myself and I just thought, yep, its everyone elses fault that Im all messed up! and then of course proceeded to live my best life now...But, I could not get out of my mess. I continued to feel defeated and was in bondage and I praise God for His Holy Spirit in all of this, because it was the leap of faith by His grace that I started my journey homeward bound...I left and went right ~ I began to hunger for Him, and what brought me to my knees brought me to Him ♡ I read His Word....out loud and His Holy Spirit quickened me, coupled with a friend who showed me the truth about chosen, and my own research of course, I began to hear the lies and tasted the tainted sugar that was added to the Precious Gospel of Jesus Christ.... But truly today, I really was moved in this because of my earlier admission...I never truly came to the truth (now thats scary and sad...) because some of you are thinking, probably even now, theres nothing wrong with them....who are you to judge, well need I say more of what I have told you, personally about me, in my tidbit? Sure thing may not hear everything they say, because one, it wasnt the right moment you were in ear shot of some of the great heretical things they say or have said, so Im begging you to do your own research, start with praying for Gods Holy Spirit to guide you in His Word, I will put a link in the comment to start you off later...but what about the poor soul that does hear and believe because, it just sounds so good and is told with an authoritative, or eww a soothing voice, so as to lull them to sleep :( and go into eternity without God? Please...know to whom you get your doctrine explained from, they are leading you and countless others in the wrong direction... 2 Timothy 4:3-5 KJV For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:41:06 +0000

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