December 27, 2904 2014 AND WHAT BLOODY YEAR IT WAS - AND IT IS - TopicsExpress


December 27, 2904 2014 AND WHAT BLOODY YEAR IT WAS - AND IT IS NOT OVER YET - 2014 AND WHAT BLOODY YEAR IT WAS - AND IT IS NOT OVER YET - Aloha All Face Book Users In The United States Of America, and on Earth, Please. A truce. It needs to stop today; not tomorrow; but today!!! The late Mr. Michael Brown and late Mr. Eric Garner, both African-Americans or blacks, both unarmed, being killed by Caucasian or white Police Officers is what I am talking about. African-Americans, or Blacks and Caucasians or whites, need to co-exist or these two (2) races will be annihilated. They will cease to exist. They will implode. To those that think this is funny, stop laughing. It is not funny!!! Many people around they globe will not celebrate the holidays because they are not in Christmas, New Year or Holiday Spirit. Because of all these killings. At least two (2) the late Mr. Michael Brown; in Ferguson, Missouri and late Mr. Eric Garner, in New York; and three Police Officers, two (2) in New York and one (1) in Florida!!! Soon and very soon these two (2) races will not be able to reproduce fast enough to offset the killings. So the end of these races will come. Of all races on earth these two (2) races have been killing each other for centuries. These races will both end; and soon. All other races will stay here on earth, except African-Americans or Blacks and Caucasians or whites. We have all seen wildlife, or animals, become extinct or endangered. The same thing can happen to our races. And once extinct that is the end of that race!!!!! And it will happen unless we take corrective action, and quickly!!!!! We need to stop dwelling on what divides us and concentrate on what couples us, what brings us together !!!!! The anger African-Americans or Blacks and Caucasians or whites, have for each other is deep seated and unhealthy!!! And on both sides African-Americas or Blacks and Caucasians or whites kill each other at an alarming rates. These problems have been going on for centuries; they are not new problems!!! No other two (2) races on earth have been at it longer!!!!! It needs to stop before we run out of people in either of the two (2) races, to kill!!! Some members of these two (2) races feel they need to have the upper hand. No one needs the upper hand. That divides us, that separates us. No one needs the upper hand; we are all the same. Please. Thank You, sincerely. Please. Carlton N. Middleton Ⓓ, Hawaii State Senate, The Candidate, District 12 © ® SM TM 100%.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 07:56:25 +0000

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