Decoding the “9/11 million Muslims march on DC” Psyop The so - TopicsExpress


Decoding the “9/11 million Muslims march on DC” Psyop The so called “million Muslims march on Washington on 9/11 2013″ displays all the typical signs of a foundation funded Psyop, the latest in a series of provocations by the Left-Liberal social engineers who form the bedrock of the odious Obama regime. It is necessary for patriots to decode this cynical manipulation for what it is in order to avoid being inadvertently used by the perpetrators. A recent Lady Patriots editorial by Dr.Sharon Shuetz has shown the two Bangladesh immigrant brothers behind “the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)” to be little more then charlatans full of hot air – but they seem to belong to that special kind of charlatans and baiters who managed somehow to rise to prominence in the lamestream media almost magically, emerging a decade ago from a far away third world country, out of total anonymity, and immediately getting the green card, joining the US military, and later on becoming “Democrat community organizers” – all this at the height of the “war on terror” of the previous decade which brought about unprecedented, draconian security measures that should have automatically flagged them for scrutiny right from the start. This modus operandi is clearly indicative of the underlying reality of intelligence community machinations behind the mysterious rise of the Bangladesh brothers. The establishment does not permit immigrants of this kind to enter the country unless they can be put to good use later on,say, in a Psyop of the “9/11 march” variety. What is really going on here? The “march” plan was first reported back in January by the Ayatollah regime’s state sponsored propaganda channel PressTV under the title “Muslims to march on White House next September 11th”. PressTV at the time was still considered some kind of “alternative media” by Libertard kooks and often quoted by Libertard disinfo outlets like Infowars. The man who broke out the story was Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist who converted to Islam in the 1990′s and has spent the better part of the recent decade blaming 9/11 on “the Zionists”. Barrett is also a frequent contributor to Gordon Duff’s cartoonish disinfo outlet “VeteransToday” which is notorious for its crackpot Judeophobic and Israelophobic conspiracy “theories”. It is generally assumed that VeteransToday is fronting for the CIA or FBI, for the purpose of feeding the target audience with a constant stream of disinformation. VeteransToday writers have become frequent contributors to PressTV, which is mentally incapable of calling out their bluff because of its inherent racist paranoia regarding Jews, which renders it gullible and susceptible to psychological manipulations designed to ridicule PressTV in the eyes of western readers. This goal has been successfully accomplished by the cognitive infiltrators of the DuffBarrett school, and nowadays even most Libertards don’t take PressTV seriously anymore. From the Federal government’s perspective, VeteransToday still has the extra benefit of demonizing army veterans as a bunch of racist lunatics – a clear step towards stripping them of their hard earned rights and privileges. Ground Zero Mosque 2.0 ? Two years ago we’ve witnessed a similar Psyop in the form of a manufactured public debate regarding the so called “ground zero mosque”. Right from the start it was exposed that CIA has had quite a few bizarre links to the affair and in fact it was little more then a calculated provocation designed to stir controversy and get Left wingers and right wingers at each other’s throats, with the all too benevolent Messiah in the white house playing the role of moderator and problem solver (while “protecting persecuted minorities who merely wanted to build a house of prayer”). It’s reasonable to assume that the “march” is more of the same thing, this time on a larger scale (but don’t expect anything remotely similar to the million men number to actually participate). The globalist foundations behind this staged provocations (and their rogue assets inside the US intelligence community) hope to provoke patriots to an angry retaliation, thereby demonizing patriots as racist bigots who need to be targeted by the federal government. lady-patriots/decoding-the-911-million-muslims-march-on-dc-psyop/#
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 04:29:06 +0000

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