*Definitely the wittiest / best post i have seen in relation to - TopicsExpress


*Definitely the wittiest / best post i have seen in relation to the Scottish referendum Cruel Johno shared James Reids status update. · James Reid I have a weird arrangement with my neighbour. I give him all of my wages, he pays the bills for me and gives me back whats left. he says were both better off that way, economies of scale and all that, Ive seen its cheaper to buy in bulk so he must be right. except recently Ive started questioning the arrangement. its hard to tell but I dont seem to be getting the best deal. (even harder to tell because he has all the receipts and doesnt share the info with me). hes got the bigger house and car, fair enough he earns a bit more than me, but people with the same wage as I have (who dont have this arrangement) all seem to be much better off. from what i can gather, Im getting a fair bit less back than what Im giving out. he says Im wrong, and keeps telling me Im a scrounger living off his handouts. hes taken control of most of the official stuff, last year he reassigned a fair part of my back garden to become his back garden now, and tried to keep quiet about it. hes also decided that his gas boiler is a bit dangerous, so that gets kept outside my bedroom window, where it would destroy the majority of my house should there be an accident, but leave his intact. I did ask him to move it back since I dont even want gas heating, but he said it would be too dangerous keeping it next to his house. hes also pitting in a new high speed driveway, and says I get to share in the cost, even though it doesnt actually touch my land at all, and its bloody expensive! we share a common budget, so any major works that are done are shared, fair enough, but all the major work gets done on his house, which aint so fair. even if improving his house devalues mine, I still get to contribute to improving his house. so Ive been thinking about scrapping this arrangement and going it alone. its a little scary to be honest, exciting but scary. going out and being my own man, doing my own thing with my own money, Im a little worried I wont always get it right, but Im hopeful things will improve. Ill be able to start spending my money on what I need, rather than ask him and hope he needs it too, or wont mind giving me some of my money back for it. but now hes started scaring me even more. for example, he told me my shopping would get more expensive if i went to Asda myself, but I asked the manager there and she said hes talking nonsense again. hes being going round the other neighbours trying to get them to convince me its a bad idea, even using some of my money to bribe some of them into saying so! (Boris across the road stuck him in). he says I wont be allowed back on the neighbourhood committee either. Ive been to every meeting since it started, albeit as a partnership, I was there before all the other neighbours, and they all like me and want me there, but he says they wont let me back. theyre not allowed to officially declare anything yet, the committee is kinda beareaucratic they way, since its currently his name on my paperwork, hes the only one allowed to ask, but wont. he never usually comes to visit, but this last week I cant get rid of him, hes all over my house telling me its gonna be too expensive to redecorate, that the plants in the garden will all wither and die, and the burglars will all suddenly flock to Rob me. it all sounds a bit ridiculous to be honest, and its not the first time Ive caught him lying to me. on the bright side, after telling me for years its just a stupid idea, this past week hes decided I might be onto something, and has offered offered a mystery prize if I decide to stay. ooh mystery prize! exciting! he wont hint how big a prize though. so Ive got just under a week left to decide. what do you think?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:14:36 +0000

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