Denis Waitley’s quote below cuts to the chase. As human beings, - TopicsExpress


Denis Waitley’s quote below cuts to the chase. As human beings, and whatever situation we find ourselves, whether it is inside our workplace, inside our families, whatever the time, whatever the place, whatever the level of difficulty…we have the choice of accepting things as they are or accepting responsibility to change them. People will inevitably try to blame their situation on other individuals or circumstances, but, when you get right down to it, thats just background noise. In our workplace and in Renae and my personal home, we have a rule (and Im are not fond of too many rules) which states, No CBCs! CBCs stand for criticizing blaming and complaining. These three behaviors are the roadblocks of progress in any situation. They cause ill will and they take the responsibility from the individual to do something to improve the situation. If you could do one thing, just one thing that would improve your happiness and that of others around you, it would be to eliminate these three destructive aspects of the human condition from your life. Make your life a CBC Free Zone and watch what happens. There are two primary choices in life; to accept the conditions as they exist, or to accept responsibility for changing them. Denis Waitley
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 00:46:06 +0000

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