Depression Facts via Janna Seales Finnell ***Here are some fun - TopicsExpress


Depression Facts via Janna Seales Finnell ***Here are some fun facts about depression!!! WOOT!!!*** -People with depression are very hard to deal with(how do you think WE feel?!). We tend to isolate ourselves, because its easier to have no friends than to constantly disappoint the ones you do have. Sometimes we back out on plans. We know its rude. But we genuinely cant help it. -We are NOT all suicidal. -We tend not to share our problem with others for many reasons. One being, we dont want others walking on eggshells around us or breathing down our necks with questions about our well-being. The questions are just another reminder that we arent normal. -We are not bad people, and we CAN be trusted. -We are NOT in the depths of despair every single day. -We CAN function in society and we WANT to. And we can do all the normal things that you do--most of the time. -Each of us are different. We all deal with things our own strange way, and each situation is different. We certainly dont PLAN on curling up into a ball. -We HATE the way this makes us feel, and sometimes we cant get out of bed or off the couch. This is embarrassing to us, so we dont reach out for help. Sometimes we get so down that we literally dont know HOW to ask for help. -We are already very hard on ourselves--when someone else treats us like crap, it validates our own ugly feelings about ourselves, sending us deeper into the depression. -Not every single negative situation sends us spiraling-we can get through some things just fine. We never know. -Just because you dont feel it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Its very real.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 03:04:27 +0000

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